I have this same problem also, using OceanWP theme + Elementor.
My “property” page has ERE content & then below it there is the blog sidebar.
Please see it here https://indigenoustranslations.com/homescope.com.au/property/26-city-road/
I have tried changing “blog post display settings” using my theme & it works fine for blog page and single post page, but does not change anything on ERE “property” post page.
I have also tried changing the Post Template https://prntscr.com/p2uuf9 (this option is supplied by elementor) but the property post does not look the same theme as single blog post, neither does it honor the theme’s ‘single blog post’ display settings – the blog sidebar shows no matter what I do.
All other regular WordPress posts/pages are displayed as intended.
Will I need to manually edit post template php file to fix this?
If yes, where can I find that & what’s the best approach – child theme?
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by