I’m reposting this at your request. I did not answer the other one in time. I have combined my previous message with the code you asked for, and explained my questions further at the bottom, regarding viewing settings in the shortcode.The original post is located here:
______________________________________________Hello Feedzy!
I like your plugin – very easy to use, but I’m having multiple issues.
I’ve got a page with 3 of the same feed category (only 1 feed in it) with different settings.OPTION 1: The 1st feed is completely spaced out, title, several blank lines, date, several blank lines, […], several blank lines, an HR, then next, etc., with no images.
<!-- wp:feedzy-rss-feeds/feedzy-block {"feeds":"Auto Trader Classics","status":3,"categories":["auto-trader-classics"]} /-->
OPTION 2: The 2nd feed is fine but has no excerpt and no image.
CODE: [feedzy-rss feeds=”auto-trader-classics” max=”999″ feed_title=”yes” refresh=”15_days” sort=”date_desc” error_empty=”Blank Feed.” title=”170″ meta=”yes” summary=”yes” summarylength=”503″ default=”orange.jpg” size=”155″ ]
OPTION 3: The 3rd feed is the same as the 2nd but with 300px default image as I set up.
CODE: [feedzy-rss feeds=”auto-trader-classics” max=”1000″ feed_title=”yes” refresh=”15_days” sort=”date_desc” error_empty=”Feed is Empty.” target=”_blank” title=”200″ meta=”yes” summary=”yes” summarylength=”475″ thumb=”yes” default=”orange.jpg” size=”300″ ]
There are 3 different feeds in the category.
The 1st feed is pulling photos from the feed. (their images)
The 2nd feed is not getting images or the placeholder image. (neither image)
The 3rd feed is perfect with images from their site. (their images)Also, each feed’s feeds are together in a group instead of by date.
So it’s all of feed one, all of feed two, all of feed three at the bottom.
There are hundreds of feeds on this page.CODE: [feedzy-rss feeds=”car-trader-classics” max=”200″ feed_title=”yes” refresh=”12_hours” sort=”date_desc” error_empty=”Dude, where’s my car?” target=”_blank” follow=”no” title=”155″ meta=”yes” summary=”yes” summarylength=”500″ thumb=”yes” default=”green.jpg” ]
OPTION 1: I’m only seeing one item on this page. Not sure why. It’s been set up for months now. It is showing the default image and looks pretty good, but I want the real image, not same placeholder going down the page.
CODE: [feedzy-rss feeds=”classic-car-restoration” max=”200″ feed_title=”yes” refresh=”2_hours” sort=”date_desc” error_empty=”Dude, where’s my car?” target=”_blank” follow=”no” title=”155″ meta=”yes” summary=”yes” summarylength=”500″ thumb=”yes” default=”LOGO-TOP-SHARP.jpg” ]
OPTION 2: Exact same as above, but without default image.
CODE: [feedzy-rss feeds=”classic-car-restoration” max=”500″ feed_title=”yes” refresh=”15_days” sort=”date_desc” error_empty=”WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS?” target=”_blank” title=”170″ meta=”yes” summary=”yes” summarylength=”503″ default=”orange.jpg” size=”134″ template=’style2′ columns=”3″ ]
OPTION 3: Shows what appears to be a link to the feed I’m following. The, the next paragraph the feed is the same as Option 2 but totally different font sizes and colors. No image.
wp:feedzy-rss-feeds/feedzy-block {"feeds":"https://www.google.com/alerts/feeds/myfeedthatIsetup","status":3, "categories":["auto-trader-classics","car-trader-classics"]}
I need to see all settings in the shortcode, so I can change without having to go into the setup and reset all settings, as sometimes I just want to adjust one little thing at a time, and I have to start from scratch every time without information in the shortcode. For pull image, there is Auto, Yes and No, but none of that shows up in the shortcode, so I can’t just be-bop in there and switch it up. Is there a different way to see each setting in each feed – database maybe?What does caching mean? Do the feed items go away after 15 days? Is there a way to stop them from going away, to avoid pages with only one feed? Is there a way to keep all feeds?
I’d like to keep all feeds and then split between pages by date or whatever when they get too big.
Thank you so much. Again. ??
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