• I’m currently working on a plugin to improve integration between the Gallery webapp and WordPress, along the lines of the MTGalleryLink plugin for MT.
    I have a working plugin, but I had to use somewhat awkward syntax for the WP post.
    With MTGalleryPlugin, you enter a tag like this:
    <MTGalleryLink photo="..."/>
    But WordPress automagically corrects tags like that to <MTGalleryLink ...></MTGalleryLink> and inserts a closing tag.
    Now that’s not a huge deal, but I think the single-tag syntax is cleaner. Any advice on this, or should I just assume that the WPGallery plugin should use two tags?

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  • Thread Starter ghutchis


    There’s already both.
    There’s a small converter program to take the “HTML” code, and there’s a more full-featured PHP call — including options for the CSS class of and <img src="..."/> link title, img alt text, etc.
    I’ll probably post the plugin this weekend and get further comments that way.

    this guy who did coppemine/wp implement it with pairs of tags

    Thread Starter ghutchis


    Well, considering it’s not a MT plugin, I decided for now to go with one tag–it’s easy enough for me to add other bits later. (The plug weighs in at about 30 lines of genuine code.)
    WP-Gallery 0.1

    it’s easy enough for me to add other bits later
    ehh, you have any idea other bits that people would want
    integration with wp admin panel, single login wp/gallery, bla..bla..bla

    Thread Starter ghutchis


    Well, there’s already some integration with the wp-admin panel–the photo/links show up in post previews. (Well, otherwise it’d be totally useless since you couldn’t preview your post.)
    But yes, you’re right–I mistyped. I’ll add bits later that seem to make sense for a slim, easy plugin. ??

    Does this work with G2?

    Thread Starter ghutchis


    Dunno. I don’t have G2 installed, but judging from the comments on my blog, it sounds like there’s interest. I’ll take a look at the format of G2 URLs and see what I can cook up. It shouldn’t be hard to support other URL formats, but I’ll need to see how G2 is organized.

    Check https://www.jaynne.co.uk/gallery2 for my gallery 2 install. The urls aren’t much different for the big picture but it does some fancy caching/build on demand for the thumbnails so I don’t think the url is as similar as in Gallery1

    It would be great if you could add gallery2 support.

    I’ve been working with g2 a bit and they’re working on the rewrite module to see if we can get something worked out. I have plans for a plugin that would open a popup and let you browse for a picture in g2. Don’t count on any g2 plugins too soon since wp 1.5 is still beta and last time i checked g2 was in its final alpha, maybe somewhere in the 3-6 month range we’ll see g2 integration.

    Is there any chance you’d be able to adapt your existing plugin so that G2 can work with WP?

    I did a bit of investigating and the format hasn’t changed much though you do now need to do a mySQL lookup (I think) to get the thumbnail.

    Sadly I don’t know much about coding in PHP so can’t adapt your plugin.




    I have problem using WP Gallery plugin ’cause WP strips its <wpgallery> tags when the post is looked in Archives/Categories and instead of thumbnail (which appears in a post), there is only ‘album/picture’ text remaining ??

    Any hint what’s wrong?





    Just to reply to myself and in a case that someone bumps his head against it ??

    The default Kubrick theme uses

    <?php the_excerpt() ?>

    and I had to replace the line with the

    <?php the_content(‘Read the rest of this entry ??’); ?>

    in “search.php & “archive.php”


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