Hi There,
I spoke to EE team about it and they provided me the following code to add to my child theme. This fixes the issue so both footer elements are added.
Including this here in case anyone else needs it. Cheers,
<?php //Please do not include the opening PHP tag if you already have one.
//Remove the EE espresso_admin_footer callback and add another which includes current content.
add_action('admin_init', 'tw_filter_admin_footer_text');
function tw_filter_admin_footer_text() {
$admin = EE_Registry::instance()->load_core('EE_Admin');
remove_filter('admin_footer_text', array($admin, 'espresso_admin_footer'));
add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'tw_filter_powered_by_event_espresso');
function tw_filter_powered_by_event_espresso($content = '')
$powered_by_event_espresso = \EEH_Template::powered_by_event_espresso('aln-cntr', '', array('utm_content' => 'admin_footer'));
return $content ? $powered_by_event_espresso . '<br/>' . $content : $powered_by_event_espresso;