P2 Major Design Error: Ajax and Shortcuts – No WYSIWYG possible!
Hi there,
after a week of intensive testing & troubleshooting I want to complain about what I think is a major design error within the P2-theme-functionality.1. I was using “prologue” for roughly a year: great work with this highly scalable Theme – thank you guys for this modification! I was using it as a multiuser Blog for discussions and mediacontents like Youtube. Many Users being not familiar with HTML or any other form of Coding, which is why we used TinyMCE as Text-wysiwyg-editor. The Blog is closed for public, so I apologize to not be able to give you some insights.
2. We updates to P2 like 2 weeks ago and since then we desperatly try to get TinyMCE running again, without success. Without being even able to implement it (the old way from prologue doesn’t apply), I found the following Information in this forums:
Yokima: “Therefore, if you display 10 posts per page, and had TinyMCE enabled, there would be 10 instances of TinyMCE running at the same time for every page when logged in as admin.. maybe their keyboard shortcuts will also compete amongst each other and with p2’s built-in shortcuts for keyboard attention”
This is correct, so thank you for this Information, Yokima! We looked for other possibilities to add more functions to the post-form. None of them worked. We don’t necessarily need to have WYSIWYG, but some kind of possibility to edit postings “on-the-fly” on the frontpage and NOT from the backend (for this would make P2 obsolete).
3. Now the Ajax-functionality, using the shortcuts, opens ALL comments to each of the posts on the site. Using 20 posts on the frontpage can use a huge amount of entries appearing and being loaded into the cache – I doubt that this makes sense. If you open the comments of a post further down, by opening ALL comments on the frontpage, my Browsers jump to a unspecified point, urging me to seek the original post I intended to answer. It’s not possible to simply just ajax-open the single post+comments, you’re interested in at the moment.
Also, commenting with Ajax-feature always loads 2 post-form minimum: The original Postform and the commentform.
Frankly: The usage of a WYSIWYG-Editor overweights the benefits of Shortcuts and the given Ajaxfeatures as they are (for me).4. Ajax and Shortcuts therefor don’t improve the usability of P2 by any way compareble to the comforts given by a mediapanel, texteditor or a WYSIWYG-Editor, but that’s only my opinion. The fact that one can’t choose makes this a major design error in my eyes.
Please don’t take this as an offense – I’m simply desperately trying to get our old usability functioning. Still I respect the effort und passion you put in this project ?? Thank you all!
With best regards,
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