• Resolved alusion


    Goodday Support,

    I’ve made a custom dashboard where the owner of a store can change prices for products. The prices are being changed via the WC API.

    The product page is cached. So changes are not being reflected on front end directly. Changes are only visible when the product page cache is regenerated.

    Could you point me in the right direction in order to rebuild the cache for that given product when te price has changed. Could it be done by the LS API?


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  • Plugin Support qtwrk



    Please check this document.

    Please let us know if you have any further question.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter alusion


    The dashboard is external. So without the WP Rest Auth hassle LSC API can’t be accessed.

    Easy solution came to mind though. Put the product as draft and publish it right after. Cache will rebuild that way.


    Offtopic: Is there an ETA for LSC v3? I’ve read great rumors!

    Plugin Support qtwrk



    OK , that’s cleaver way.

    Off topic , what rumor you heard ? as an “internal” I didn’t even heard of anything …

    Best regards,

    Plugin Support Hai Zheng?


    There are couple new features/enhancements I replied here mentioned will deploy in
    v3.0 :).

    We are still working on it. You are welcome to join slack to get new updates and give feedback anytime. Currently, you can see the updates keep coming in https://github.com/litespeedtech/lscache_wp/commits/v3.0

    Thread Starter alusion


    Thanks both.
    Will do.

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