Hi @odihost –
Thanks for your reply.
The plugin mention “WooCommerce automatically completes orders for virtual-downloadable products after successful payment”
That is correct- virtual products that are also downloadable are by default automatically completed by WooCommerce. All other types of products require processing time, including just virtual (non-downloadable) products.
The issue with our site, is the product is already virtual, and payment is already successful but order is still processing
Just to make sure I’m on the same page, are you saying that you’ve received payment for these orders, yet they stay in Processing
status? If that’s the case, this is also the intended behavior. You will have to manually mark them as Completed
once everything is processed on your end. Otherwise, you can use the extension I mentioned to automate this behavior. You can read more about order statuses here: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-orders/
Hope this helps!