Sideblog: excerpt length – 2 options only?
Hi all, I’m using Sideblog and I’d just like to absolutely clear that the options below are all we have for modifying the Sideblog’s formatting. Someone has previously asked whether <!–more–> works, which was never resolved. I’d also like to know whether Kates or some other clever person has sorted a way of simply limiting the Sideblog excerpt length to the first paragraph of the post itself. Thank you!
Display Format Tags
* %title%
* %title_url%
* %content%
* %permalink%
* %postdate%
* %postdate_url%
* %excerpt%
* %excerpt_<length>% – e.g. %excerpt_200% (will cut after 200 words)
* PHP Date Format – e.g. %m%/%d%/%Y% – 08-11-2006
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