Hi Ludwig,
I think you should use the [jvm_woocommerce_add_to_wishlist] shortcode to create the button on the place where you want it. Not a standard (self created) button.
Even better is to add jvm_woocommerce_add_to_wishlist as a function to the correct WooCommerce hook. An example for removing the button from the default place on the arhive page is in the readme file. To remove it from the single product page use:
remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button', 'jvm_woocommerce_add_to_wishlist');
You should will need to find a WooCommerce hook to add it the the product image. I’m not sure if this is the correct hook but it should be close:
add_action( 'woocommerce_product_thumbnails', 'jvm_woocommerce_add_to_wishlist', 20 );
If you need to modify the looks of the plugin button use some custom CSS. You can also modify the CSS class assigned to the plugin button to switch between looks:
This wil change te icon into a text version of the button for example.
add_filter( 'jvm_add_to_wishlist_class', function($class) {
return 'jvm_add_to_wishlist text';
You may also choose to add classnames of your own and restyle completly with your own CSS. A lot is possible, but the plugin is rather developer minded so you need to be familiar with WooCommerce hooks and adding/removing actions and filters.
I hope this is helpful.
Kind regards, Joris