Stop from sending Winning Email
Good Day ,
How do I stop the email winnign email being sent to the winner as it is not presenting the way I want it to.
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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I just realized that I have not shared exact code to comment.
Kindly open file: email_template.php
Then search for function = function ultimate_auction_email_template()Comment like below:
<?php function ultimate_auction_email_template($auction_name, $auction_id, $auction_desc, $winner_bid, $winner_email, $return_url) { /*global $wpdb; $name_qry = "SELECT name FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."wdm_bidders WHERE bid =".$winner_bid." AND auction_id =".$auction_id." AND email = '".$winner_email."' ORDER BY id DESC"; $winner_name = $wpdb->get_var($name_qry); //$winner_user = get_user_by('email', $winner_email); //$winner_name = $winner_user->user_login; $rec_email = get_option('wdm_paypal_address'); $cur_code = substr(get_option('wdm_currency'), -3); $site_name = get_bloginfo('name'); $subject = $site_name . ': ' . __('Congratulations! You have won an auction', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'); $auction_email = get_option('wdm_auction_email'); $site_url = get_bloginfo('url'); $message = ""; $message = __('Hi', 'wdm-ultimate-auction')." ".$winner_name.", <br /><br />"; $message .= sprintf(__('This is to inform you that you have won the auction at WEBSITE URL %s. Here are the auction details', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $site_url).": <br /><br />"; $mode = get_option('wdm_account_mode'); $paypal_link = ""; if($mode == 'Sandbox') $paypal_link = ""; else $paypal_link = ""; $paypal_link .= "&business=".urlencode($rec_email); //$paypal_link .= "&lc=US"; $paypal_link .= "&item_name=".urlencode($auction_name); $paypal_link .= "&amount=".urlencode($winner_bid); //shipping field hooks $shipping_link = ''; //$paypal_link .= apply_filters('ua_product_shipping_cost_link', $shipping_link, $auction_id, $winner_email); //SHP-ADD hook shipping cost link //end shipping $paypal_link .= "¤cy_code=".urlencode($cur_code); $paypal_link .= "&return=".urlencode($return_url); $paypal_link .= "&button_subtype=services"; $paypal_link .= "&no_note=0"; $paypal_link .= "&bn=PP%2dBuyNowBF%3abtn_buynowCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest"; $paypal_link = "<a href='".$paypal_link."' target='_blank'>".$paypal_link."</a>"; $message .= __("Product URL", "wdm-ultimate-auction").": <a href='".$return_url."'>".$return_url."</a> <br />"; $message .= "<br />".__("Product Name", "wdm-ultimate-auction").": ".$auction_name." <br />"; $message .= "<br />".__("Description", "wdm-ultimate-auction").": <br />".$auction_desc."<br /><br />"; $check_method = get_post_meta($auction_id, 'wdm_payment_method', true); $pay_amt = "<strong>".$cur_code." ".$winner_bid."</strong>"; $auction_data = array(); if($check_method === 'method_paypal') { //$auction_data = array(); $auction_data = array( 'auc_id' => $auction_id, 'auc_name' => $auction_name, 'auc_desc' => $auction_desc, 'auc_bid' => $winner_bid, 'auc_merchant' => $rec_email, 'auc_payer' => $winner_email, 'auc_currency' => $cur_code ); $message .= sprintf(__('You can contact ADMIN at %1$s for delivery of the item and pay %2$s through PayPal', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $auction_email, $pay_amt)." - <br /><br />"; $paypal_link = apply_filters( 'ua_paypal_email_content', $paypal_link, $auction_data ); $message .= $paypal_link; $message .= "<br/><br /> ".__('Kindly, click on above URL to make payment', 'wdm-ultimate-auction')."<br />"; } elseif($check_method === 'method_wire_transfer') { $msg = apply_filters('ua_product_shipping_cost_wire_cheque',$shipping_link, $auction_id,$winner_bid,$winner_email); if(!empty($msg)) { $message .= sprintf(__('%s by wire transfer','wdm-ultimate-auction'),$msg).'<br /><br />'; } else { $message .= sprintf(__('You can pay %s by Wire Transfer.', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $pay_amt)."<br /><br />"; } $message .= __("Wire Transfer Details", 'wdm-ultimate-auction').": <br />"; $message .= get_option('wdm_wire_transfer'); } elseif($check_method === 'method_mailing') { $msg = apply_filters('ua_product_shipping_cost_wire_cheque',$shipping_link, $auction_id,$winner_bid,$winner_email); if(!empty($msg)) { $message .= sprintf(__('%s by cheque','wdm-ultimate-auction'),$msg).'<br /><br />'; } else { $message .= sprintf(__('You can pay %s by Cheque.', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $pay_amt)."<br /><br />"; } $message .= __("Mailing Address & Cheque Details", 'wdm-ultimate-auction').": <br />"; $message .= get_option('wdm_mailing_address'); } elseif($check_method === 'method_cash') { $msg = apply_filters('ua_product_shipping_cost_wire_cheque',$shipping_link, $auction_id,$winner_bid,$winner_email); if(!empty($msg)) { $message .= sprintf(__('%s by Cash','wdm-ultimate-auction'),$msg).'<br /><br />'; } else { $message .= sprintf(__('You can pay %s by Cash.', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $pay_amt)."<br /><br />"; } $cash_msg = get_option('wdm_mailing_address'); if(!empty($cash_msg)){ $message .= __("Cash Details", 'wdm-ultimate-auction').": <br />"; $message .= $cash_msg; } } $hdr = ""; //$headers = "From: ". $site_name ." <". $auction_email ."> \r\n"; $hdr .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $hdr .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n"; $email_sent = false; if(!empty($paypal_link)){ $headers = ""; //$headers = "From: ". get_bloginfo('name') ." <". $seller_email ."> \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: <". $auction_email ."> \r\n"; $headers .= $hdr; $email_sent = wp_mail( $winner_email, $subject, $message, $headers, '' ); } if($email_sent) { update_post_meta( $auction_id, 'auction_email_sent', 'sent' ); } $headers = ""; //$headers = "From: ". get_bloginfo('name') ." <". $seller_email ."> \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: <". $winner_email ."> \r\n"; $headers .= $hdr; $data_to_seller = array(); $data_to_seller = array('auc_id' => $auction_id, 'auc_name' => $auction_name, 'auc_desc' => $auction_desc, 'auc_price' => $winner_bid, 'auc_currency' => $cur_code, 'seller_paypal_email' => $rec_email, 'winner_email' => $winner_email, 'seller_email' => $auction_email, 'winner_name' => $winner_name, 'pay_method' => $check_method, 'site_name' => $site_name, 'site_url' => $site_url, 'product_url' => $return_url, 'header' => $headers ); if(!empty($paypal_link)) do_action('ua_shipping_data_email', $data_to_seller); return $email_sent;*/ return 0; }
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