• Working on my wifes site ( https://www.carriessweetlife.com/sweetlife ). Upgrade and everything went fine and the main site is all set for links. However this second personal site, all the header links are loading some kind of holder or something, if you mouse over them they all start with https://www.carriessweetlife.com/sweetlife If I go into the header.php there’s nothing there to start with, just the normal code. Where is it pulling this link from? Even the admin login is messed up with some /3%/admin stuff there. You can login if you punch in the right address though. Where do i go to fix this one?

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  • Looks like the problem is in the template file for the top nav bar. Either it’s become damaged/corrupted or perhaps you’ve used deprecated tags that are no longer supported.

    You also need to check out the bottom of your sidebar.php file. You have some code comments being displayed.

    Thread Starter The Evil One


    Well I am using drikatruu-jelly 2.7 which is the newest version I can find. The links in the main site (www.carriessweetlife.com) all work fine. They have the site default on them as well so the only code added is /about me, /admin etc. This one seems to have the same default locked in as well but i do not see any entries in the code anywhere to change that.

    I am looking in the header.php where they are located. This is the code.
    <!–here is where you change the menu bar–>
    <div id=”nav”>


    Not a lot to work with on my end so far. I have the same file in 3 folders, same read out on all of them.

    The issue is that the links don’t seem to be included or are missing code:

    <li><a href="">Sweet and Savory</a></li>
    <li><a href="">The Sweet Life</a></li>
    <li><a href="www.carriessweetlife.com/about">About Me</a></li>
    <li><a href="</wp-admin">Admin</a>

    Seems this is what you’re after

    <li><a href="https://www.carriessweetlife.com">Sweet and Savory</a></li>
    <li><a href="/sweetlife">The Sweet Life</a></li>
    <li><a href="/about">About Me</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://www.carriessweetlife.com/wp-admin">Admin</a>

    The first two links don’t have URL’s listed the third is missing https:// and the fourth isn’t even a link “</wp-admin” Not clear as to whether there is any php involved here but you might start here.


    Thread Starter The Evil One


    That’s just it, it doesn’t need the link to go there. It seems like with no other code in place the default is https://www.carriessweetlife .com/ sweetlife on all the entries. so if I add anything to it is reads as https://www.carriessweetlife.com/sweetlife/www.carriessweetlife.com/aboutme By removing all of that I got 4 of them to work but the main link to return to just https://www.carriessweetlife.com still has it doubled as https://www.carrisssweetlife.com/sweetlife/www.carriessweetlife.com I can’t figure out how to remove the beginning section which seems to pull from whatever the domain name is.

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