Hello again,
I will try to explain you what i am talking about.
The cache plugin that i have tested more is wp rocket but it also happens with most cache plugins that i tried.
Yes without cache it works great. In fact it works, even if the cache plugin is enabled in pages that are not cached ex. cart or checkout
The problem appears on all the other pages that get cached.
Let me give an example.
Lets say that i have enabled the option to show how much more sales for free shipping.
So 100 $ for free shipping.
1. I clear the cache
2. I visit a product page for the first time and add the product that costs 1 $ to the cart so the message
appears as it should 99 $ more left for free shipping.
3. Here starts the problem. This product page since i have visited it is now cached so does the message.
4.I visit the page again then add another product to cart so the message appears again
now 98 $ more left for free shipping.
Now If i visit again this product page again, I see the cached message,the first one(99 $ more left for free shipping) and not the correct one.
The thing is that when the page is cached the message is cached with the page so its not the correct one.
Maybe if there was a way to use ajax,javascript to load the message everytime so it doesnt getting cached would be a good idea.
Please tell me if you need further details.
I really think think that this is a great plugin and i feel bad that i cant use it with cache enabled.
Thank you