Hi Benjamin, we have had our profiles for more than 4 years and we do not:
– Don’t create a personal account with a business’s name.
– Insert all your personal data, information in your Facebook profile. Even if you need to insert fake information, do it. But do not leave your information sections blank.
– Avoid sending friend requests in a huge number.
– Don’t send tons of spam messages to friends.
– Don’t join groups very fast or engage in loads of activities on Facebook during automate posting.
– Try to make your account’s behavior as real as possible. Even when its not.
– Try to make each of your posts unique and distinct.
– Keep a minimal interval of 5 minutes between two posts.
– Be careful to only post in groups that might be interested in your audience.
– Do not post more than 50 times in a single day.
– Also, do not post spam content.
We ever had a restriction or advice fromn Facebook in all our 5 accounts, in any, only after using your plugin we got block in all of them at same time, same day.
But seems you have no control with your plugin as we started using it and got blocked, so seems we have losted our accounts? That would be it?
If so, this is why do not recommend your plugin, as only for using it we got blocked, and again NO, we didn′t have any SECURITY SETTINGS activated in any of our accounts.