I’m so sorry I don`t have my login info to turn a support ticket for the paid add-on…long story, but is ok to do it this way. I understand it may take longer…
I am copying here the system info, please let me know if you see anything or need any more info. Thanks a lot!
Home Url: https://livingwordgear.com
Site Url: https://livingwordgear.com
Login Url: https://livingwordgear.com/wp-login.php
Version: 5.1.1
Debug Mode: No
Debug Log: No
Debug Display: Yes
Locale: es_ES
Multisite: No
Page For Posts: Articles (#1049) [https://livingwordgear.com/blog/]
Page On Front: Home Page (#37) [https://livingwordgear.com/]
Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
Show On Front: page
Wp Cron: Yes
Version: 3.30.1
Db Version: 3.30.1
Course Catalog: Not Set
Membership Catalog: Not Set
Student Dashboard: ESP-Members Dashboard (#992) [https://livingwordgear.com/esp-members-dashboard/]
Checkout Page: ESP-Checkout (#995) [https://livingwordgear.com/esp-checkout/]
Course Catalog Per Page: 9
Course Catalog Sorting: menu_order
Membership Catalog Per Page: 9
Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order
Site Membership: Not Set
Courses Endpoint: mis-cursos
Edit Endpoint: editar-cuenta
Lost Password Endpoint: perdio-su-clave
Vouchers Endpoint: canjear-cupones
Autogenerate Username: yes
Password Strength Meter: no
Minimum Password Strength: weak
Terms Required: no
Terms Page: Not Set
Checkout Names: required
Checkout Address: hidden
Checkout Phone: hidden
Checkout Email Confirmation: yes
Open Registration: no
Registration Names: hidden
Registration Address: hidden
Registration Phone: hidden
Registration Voucher: optional
Registration Email Confirmation: yes
Account Names: required
Account Address: hidden
Account Phone: hidden
Account Email Confirmation: yes
Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment
Force Ssl Checkout: no
Country: US
Currency: USD
Currency Position: left
Thousand Separator: ,
Decimal Separator: .
Decimals: 2
Trim Zero Decimals: no
Recurring Payments: no
Email From Address: [email protected]
Email From Name: Tzvi ben Daniel
Email Footer Text: Tzvi ben Daniel
Profesor del Curso de Hebreo Bíblico
Email Header Image: 986
Cert Bg Width: 800
Cert Bg Height: 616
Cert Legacy Compat: no
PayPal: Enabled
PayPal Test Mode: Disabled
PayPal Logging: no
PayPal Order: 1
Manual: Disabled
Manual Logging: no
Manual Order: 1
Mysql Version: 5.6.41
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Name: WPCrafter LMS
Version: 0.1
Themeuri: https://wpcrafter.com
Authoruri: https://wpcrafter.com
Template: generatepress
Child Theme: Yes
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AffiliateWP – Affiliate Area Tabs: 1.2.7
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Elementor: 2.5.12
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Featured Images in RSS for Mailchimp & Other Email: 1.5.2
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Genesis eNews Extended: 2.1.1
Jetpack by WordPress.com: 7.2.1
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LifterLMS PayPal Gateway: 1.0.2
Mailchimp for WooCommerce: 2.1.15
MOJO Marketplace: 1.4.4
Nav Menu Roles: 1.9.3
SendGrid: 1.11.8
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WooCommerce: 3.5.7
WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway: 1.6.10
WooCommerce Services: 1.19.0
WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: 4.1.15
Wordfence Security: 7.2.4
WordPress Importer: 0.6.4
Yoast SEO: 10.1.3
BbPress: No
BuddyPress: No
Template Overrides