• I have a strange problem. We have a Blog link in the navigation bar to the category Blog. When you click it, it shows https://www.dothanalabamamall.com/category/blogs. We have a widget that displays content with tag=’Home-Recent’.

    If I do a View / Source on the offending page as well as the other pages where the content displays properly, one of the image tags looks like this:

    <img src="wp-content/uploads/2009/07/thumb_gulf_states.jpg" alt="Gulf States Cold Storage" class="thumbnail thumbnail left" >

    However, if I right-click the image to display, on the Blog page, it tries to display:


    whereas on the other pages where it displays properly, it displays:


    So you can see that for some reason, the category link is inserting ‘category/’ into the image URL and, thus, the images are not being found and the <IMG> tag title is being shown instead.

    Anyone have a clue as to how I can get it to ‘not’ embed the ‘category/’ into the image when it is being displayed?

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  • are you using relative path? like /wp-contents/upload/ ???

    Use the absolute URL of your images with https://www.yourdomain.com/wp-contents. It will work properly.

    Thread Starter LukeDouglas


    If you insert an image it shows the relative path and not the absolute path. If you have to go into the HTML code on every image insert and change the ‘src=’ to be an absolute path, that is a problem with clients that don’t want to deal with HTML code.

    If WordPress cannot properly set a relative path to the appropriate absolute path, then something is ‘wrong’ with the application and/or settings. I have checked every setting I can find and no where can I see anything that has any setting for ‘/category’, ‘/category/’ or ‘category/’. Something has to be doing this.

    I haven’t looked at any of the source code for WordPress as this is not rocket science. A relative path for any image should be set to the actual location where the WordPress is installed. If it is installed in the root directory, as this website is, it should simply append ‘https://dothanalabamamall.com/&#8217; to the relative path if it is going to set an absolute path when the page is built or, better yet, it should just leave the ‘src=’ URL exactly as it is and let the server handle it.

    I will admit, I’ve only been working in WordPress for a few weeks but when something like this happens, for no obvious reasons, it makes me real skittish about the maturity of this application and even using WordPress at all.

    So the question remains, does anyone have any idea on how ‘category/’ is being inserted into the constructed absolute URL path for the image in question?

    Check your settings here:


    Relative links do not work with WordPress, but absolute ones are okay.


    This one is a relative link:

    <img src="wp-content/uploads/2009/07/thumb_gulf_states.jpg" alt="Gulf States Cold Storage" class="thumbnail thumbnail left" >

    Since your img code is also incorrect (unclosed), also see:


    Thread Starter LukeDouglas


    I did fail to close the IMG tag. Thanks.

    I know the ‘absolute’ path will work and I do intend to edit ‘all’ content to do that which, regretfully, is a lot of content.

    What I still don’t understand is if you use the Visual Editor in WordPress 2.7 and insert an image, why does it not set the ‘src=’ to an absolute path if WordPress doesn’t support a relative path? Also, since it sets the relative path, why does the ‘src=’ relative path get a ‘category/’ inserted when you click on a category link on the navigation menu? To me, this is not logical as the inserting of ‘any’ additional coding to the ‘src’ is just plain wrong, unless it is inserting the root URL such as ‘https://mywebsite.com/&#8217;.

    So I upgraded to 2.8.1. The images are still not showing on the category ‘Blog’ page. I did a new test post with 1 image inserted via the Visual Editor. Here is the IMG tag it wrote.

    <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1334" title="Custom Four Bay Barn with Upstairs Office, Full Bath and Elevator" src="wp-content/uploads/2009/07/peach_estate_text_2.jpg" alt="Custom Four Bay Barn with Upstairs Office, Full Bath and Elevator" width="597" height="92" />

    Note that WordPress did not create an absolute path for the image.

    However, now with the Tag widget, it is not showing any image.

    <div class='post odd'>
    <a href="https://www.dothanalabamamall.com/testing-left-sidebar" title="Testing Left Sidebar"><!-- No images were added to this post. --></a><h3 class="post-title"><a href="https://www.dothanalabamamall.com/testing-left-sidebar" title="Testing Left Sidebar">Testing Left Sidebar</a></h3><div class='entry'>
    <p class='read-more'>Testing
    &nbsp;<a href='https://www.dothanalabamamall.com/testing-left-sidebar' title='Testing Left Sidebar'>Read More &raquo;</a></p></div>

    I even edited the post and the ‘src=’ to include the absolute path. If I put this ‘scr=’ URL into a browser, it displays the image so I know it is a valid absolute URL.

    It still does not display an image in the left sidebar where I have the tag widget.

    This is even more disturbing.

    Here is the home page:

    Here is the category ‘Blog’ link page:

    What I am concerned about is my client. She doesn’t know HTML. If she uses the Visual Editor to insert an image, how can we depend that WordPress is going to display content properly with widgets?

    Thread Starter LukeDouglas


    One more thing. It is also doing it for Tag content



    Whereas the actual image URL is https://www.dothanalabamamall.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/thumbs_front-of-barn-office.jpg.

    wordpress’s visual editor NEVER add an absolute path for images. WordPress is completely aware that the posts will be saved in Database, where absolute path will certainly not work. I am not sure, in your case, what happened.

    Thread Starter LukeDouglas


    Basically, the sidebar widget Recent is not a well-behaved widget nor is WordPress in regards to relative URLs.

    As far as the Recent widget is concerned, if you upload an image, even if it doesn’t go into a post or page, it uses the last image as the thumbnail. I have found no place where I can select the particular image I want to use for the thumbnail on the sidebar for any post or page. That in itself is a feature sadly lacking because I cannot edit the URL to include the ‘full’ URL which would ensure the sidebar thumbnails show on every page.

    In addition, any URL that WordPress constructs with the SEF that has anything between the post or page name and the root URL, the thumbnail will not appear. The widgets and WordPress is inserting this into the URL for the images and, therefore, the thumbnails are not found and not displayed. That is bad. Bad logic and bad programming.

    If I click the Recipes link on the navigation bar, it goes to the recipes page and the Recent sidebar thumbnails show.


    If you click any recipe link on the recipe page, WordPress will insert ‘recipes/’ in front of the SEF filename. The thumbnails for the Recent sidebar widget do not display on any page that has ‘anything’ between ‘https://www.dothanalabamamall.com&#8217; and the SEF filename of the post or page. Here is an example:


    In fact, this is how I noticed that even images inside a post shows a ‘valid’ relative URL but doesn’t display the image. I set all images but one to the absolute URL and on that page, the one image without the absolute URL displays no image. All others do, which you would expect.

    Here is the HTML source for the one image that doesn’t show:
    ‘<img class=”size-thumbnail wp-image-1383 alignleft” title=”Cover peas with water and lid” src=”wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Cover_Peas_with_water_and_lid-150×150.jpg” alt=”Cover_Peas_with_water_and_lid” width=”150″ height=”150″ />’

    In any CMS application I have used other than WordPress, that relative URL would work properly. In WordPress, it doesn’t. And this is the format of the image ‘src’ URL that WordPress inserts when you use the Visual Editor. For anyone to ‘have’ to go back into the HTML code to insert the root URL just to ensure the image shows is ‘horrible’.

    So if anyone can tell me how I can get WordPress to recognize images as an extension of the root URL ‘https://www.dothanalabamamall.com/&#8217; instead of ‘https://www.dothanalabamamall.com/recipes/&#8217;, I would really appreciate some feedback.

    Other than that, I highly recommend to the WordPress development community that they set some ‘firm’ standards on relative URLs to ensure that they ‘always’ are appended to the root URL so images, documents, etc. can be found.

    Thread Starter LukeDouglas


    Anyone have an answer?

    Hi Luke,

    I think i came across the same situation as you did.My problem is when i click on the category,the thumbnail image is not display.I noticed it point to https://www.soxwawa.com/category/wp-content/uploads/….

    So i think the path is not correct.
    What i did is, i change the custom field setting in the post.Before any changes,i place the thumbnail value as wp-content/uploads/…
    Now i change it to https://www.SoxWawa.com/wp-content/uploads/&#8230;
    And finally it work perfectly.

    Perhaps you can try to check and ensure you did the same, see whether the problem resolve.

    Hope this help.

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