Yes, I had thought this. But the simplest way is that when I publish an updated post, a notice immediately begins for the registered user.
Can you change this to your plugin?
That’s not at all easy, especially with things like auto-save – I don’t think there is an easy way to differentiate between an auto-save and an update within WordPress.
Of course, you could make sure that when the admin clicks the Update button, the input sends the command to the email of the subscriber.
But I’m not a programmer of your plugin.
Linking any action to the click of the Update buttons, in my opinion a bad idea. What if you spot a typo in your post and correct it on a published post – new email is sent. Is that wise or intended.
Instead I’ve implemented a new meta box that shows for published posts and includes a Resend button. It’s in my development code here:
‘Attiva L’iscrizione’ will do that – the translation is not perfect – in English it is ‘Toggle’ Subscriber between active and inactive. Moving to Inactive status will suspend email sending.
The new feature Subscribe2 Resend is good.
I in Settings -> Models would put a new model eg. “Hi, the” Example “post has been changed, you can read it here: [link]”. In this way the user recognizes this new email.
Then you can officially publish the new version of the plugin.