• Yo

    do you know any customization of P2 that enables users to upload attachments from the common P2 fast homepage posting textboxes?

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  • It’s a feature high up on the dev list ??

    Hey Noel,

    Do you have a trac site for P2’s development, or do you have an estimate as to when the next version of P2 will be released?

    Would be great to allow people to paste a video URL, upload a photo or post a link like Facebook does.

    YES – I posted in a similar thread, too…

    The jist of that was: PLEASE HURRY!!!

    THANKS noel – YOU ROCK – THANKS for your work.

    Yes, I think we’re waiting- but isn’t there some way to do this already?

    So i found this (Ajax uploader):

    I’m trying to just make a simple button to do the upload… part of the problem, though, is tieing it to the post. Uploading is easy.

    So then I played with trying to tear up the Dashboard files… Well what a friggin mess!! Holy Carp. (yes – a fish). I have to load 5 to 10 different JS’s and stuff and more stuff and style sheets… and I’m lost before I began…

    I found it using TinyMCE… so I thought of running down that path…

    For someone who knows this code, it really doesn’t seem like it would be hard… time consuming, yes – but not hard.

    I’m not a programmer – I’m more of a hacker – I’ll hack your crap and make it work the way I want!! LOL Know enough to really screw it all up.

    I just want a picture to attach to the post – ONE picture only – using file extensions jpg gif png… that Ajax Uploader can do it. I want it sized with contraints around 600px by 600px… proportionately (there’s already a plugin for that part)

    well – I’m going to get back at it. I’ll let yous know when I got it figured out. Feel free to lend me any clues (like what code to yank from where…)

    Hey – Look what I found:

    I think I’ll hack this.

    Nevermind – not what we are looking for. The hunt/hack goes on.

    ALRIGHTY noisey ones!!! I found something worthy!!!


    They did it!!! Way to go Kelly Dwan!!

    Now to hack it into P2…

    This feature will appear in the next P2 release. Coming out around the time WordPress 2.9 is released.

    OH – nice – well i will have to look at it!

    I’ve already created my own solution, if you look at some of the other threads that talk about this, you’ll see what I’ve been able to do.

    Also, if you want to try out what I did, check out my site:

    And welcome back Noel. We thought we lost you!!!

    And one more thing: Mine works on a bunch of browsers with one exception that I’ve seen (and surprising, actually)

    Find my other thread where I talk about this.

    I did more work on this past night and I discovered that ONLY FireFox handles the PATHS differently. It really is a path issue, as it accesses the backend php in a different directory…

    i.e. FF accesses the backend at the current (./) directory rather than the web root directory (which is /opt/wordpress)

    So… I’m pretty close!

    And then I’ll add the beauty CSS and crap!!! Woo hoooo.

    OK – and read all the other updated threads.

    I’m going to check out your SVN version progress. I could just end up abandoning all the HARD work I did!!! LOL

    So, for what I did, there was just one file touched: post-form.php

    and 2 added files… for the backend AJAX looking upload, resize, and thumbnail parts…

    Just tell me, Noel, if you want them. I can email them or something. I saw that you like to receive the “diffs” … well a diff may be moot, as I pretty much re-wrote the whole file! Plus a bunch of JS in it (which could probably be a separate file, or put the functions in functions.php… later maybe)

    So I downloaded the whole directory structure on your SVN, Noel.

    The page doesn’t show anything. I look at the source and see it only gets UP to the part where it start grabbing all the media stuff in header.php:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en-US">
    <head profile="https://gmpg.org/xfn/11">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title> TESTING</title>
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="TESTING RSS Feed" />
    <link rel="pingback" />

    So it looks like its hanging on this:

    if( is_site_admin() && is_home() ):
    include ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/media.php';
    $media_upload_js = '/wp-admin/js/media-upload.js';
    wp_enqueue_script('media-upload', get_bloginfo('wpurl') . $media_upload_js, array( 'thickbox' ), filemtime( ABSPATH . $media_upload_js) );

    And it’s funny that you are apparently making use of the wp-admin parts (media.php, etc…) – That is EXACTLY what I tried to do my first crack at this! I gave up.

    Another big reason I gave up is that it’s my goal to ultimately eliminate the “backend” wp-admin area from everyone. So seeing the media library is NOT an option for me… And i never really liked that anyway, no matter what theme one uses!

    It should be more “facebook-like” and group the media library by users… which is where I will get my upload to soon. Create each directory as it’s needed for the users who upload a picture. And then I could even sort by date and time… but do I REALLY think people will upload THAT many pictures!??!??! (well i hope so!)

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