Hello Folks.
Blog is just short for we-blog (weblog).
I’ve read in several places that the use of the word ‘blog’ is a no-no but there is no proof of that being true. I mean look at what happens when you add a blog to your website:
So how can that be bad? I suppose some blogs give blogs a bad name (gossip/paparazzi/teen bully types) but this can only be true if your content is the same as those types of blogs.
I can see some reasoning behind “blog” being in the title of your weblog (being bad SE ju-ju) but have not done any long term studies to find this to be fact or fiction (even in my own mind).
I do what I want and to HE-double-hocky-sticks with what anyone else thinks. You Know? If some SE doesn’t like that word they don’t have to list the blog in their results, eh?
On the other hand if you care about the SE positioning of your blog, you might want to do some research on your own to find out if any REAL studies show negative results (bad ju-ju).
Verb ;D