I found the solution.
I was looking for the same clean-client-ready solution
so I arrived here with my question and had to search a little more by myself…
I managed to have just the p, h3 and h4 in my menu.
so. kind of explaining the way I found it:
tinyMCE usually store settings in theme/advanced/editor_template.js inside its folder (wp-includes/js/tinymce/) but after editing the correct line, nothing changed… so I looked in its root folder (same as above) and found the wp-tinymce.php with this code :
if ( isset($_GET['c']) && 1 == $_GET['c'] && false !== strpos( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']), 'gzip') && ( $file = get_file($basepath . '/wp-tinymce.js.gz') ) ) {
header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
echo $file;
} else {
echo get_file($basepath . '/wp-tinymce.js');
It means it will look inside the .gz file if your server support unzipping or in the /wp-tinymce.js file if not.
So you can replace the code above by this:
echo get_file($basepath . '/wp-tinymce.js');
and edit the wp-tinymce.js like this :
– search for “theme_advanced_blockformats” in the file.
– the first occurrence will be :
... theme_advanced_blockformats:"p,address,pre,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6", ...
– remove the unwanted tags :
... theme_advanced_blockformats:"p,h3,h4", ...
Now you could also let the .php file unmodified and after saving the wp-tinymce.js, use a gzip utility to gzip it and you’d replace the wp-tinymce.js.gz this way. That’s what I did.
Enjoy WordPress ??