• hussain1



    I have this suggestion to add this option for the work to get easier and not need an unnecessary two steps if one wants to delete an activated plugin.

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  • JNashHawkins


    You’d trust my fat fingers with that ability??? Or my cat? My cat has disabled a few plugins a couple times while I was working. Smoke breaks, potty breaks, and coffee refills can be perilous at times.

    When you remove a well-behaved plugin it might clean up after itself and take away all its settings. I have one plugin that has four pages of settings for each ‘account’ it is responsible for and there’s 50+ of those ‘accounts’. Thankfully it has a default setting page to help with those… well four pages of default settings.

    Themes? Same thing and some of my sites are multisite builds. On a multisite, themes and plugins are shared. So I (or the cat) could accidentally kill a mission-critical plugin or favorite theme for someone else’s site. Probably not but I’ve pulled some really dumb moves over time… I certainly don’t need more help with that.

    A disabled plugin or theme isn’t that big a security risk or it would probably have been removed already.

    Speaking of security, I use WordFence. There’s a plugin that works with WordFence called The WordFence Assistant that you don’t really need but having it sitting in the plugins directory disabled when you get locked out might be a little easier than a manual intervention. I’ve never had to do so but I’ve heard the plugin can be enabled via WP CLI or a secondary admin account. Anything to ease a panic response!

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