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  • Hi MichaelH

    Sorry, saw your comment to late.
    Thanks for the tips. ?? I’ll change it.

    I think is categories – misspelling

    this is great. thanks so much for doing it!

    THANK YOU for this plug-in. FINALLY found it after searching and searching and trying every other plug-in out there.

    I just wanted to HIDE the comments from non-registered members of my site with a simple plug-in and this did the trick! In other forums, the mega-coder minds were all saying that hiding comments was theme dependent. Then they gave me this insane amount of PHP “Loop” code to modify in my theme which has about a zillion different PHP files… which is just way over my head. Ack!

    One thing I would like to see for the non-coder user of this plug-in is what a similar plug-in does WP HidePost. It automatically puts a link in for the non-member to register or log in to view the post. Right now, I’m not seeing that customization option in CaPa.

    I’m still not sure what the “Roles” section is all about, whether I should be checking all those boxes for ‘Subscriber’, ‘Contributor’, etc.

    Three cheers for this huge problem of mine solved with CaPa.
    Some additional tags, as I’ve found quite a few others in various forums looking for this same thing: “hide comments” or “comments private” or “hide comments from non-members”

    CaPa Protect is quite fast. The same category protection using a comparable plugin from Social Access resulted in thousands of queries and tens of seconds. CaPa protect seems to be almost transparent while accomplishing the same purpose. Thanks!

    Thank you all. Is good to see, that my plugin helps others WordPress user too.

    @cpein thanks for the tags suggestions.

    The Roles section allows you to restrict the access for the WordPress Roles.


    Editor have nearly Administrator Rights. There can see and edit every Category, Pages, Posts. In our Example we don’t wanna that our Editors see Category A.

    With the Roles section we are be able to restrict them. Just disabled the Category A checkbox.

    Btw. if we just wanna restrict only one Editor, just go the Users Area. Choose the user to edit. Scroll down and there we go, we can restrict this User. It won’t affect the other Editors.

    I know the documentation of my plugin is at the moment poor. But i gonna change this soon.

    I will try to put in your suggestion restriction link for non-member in the next version of CaPa, thanks for the idea. ??

    @krisknap – thanks for your review ??

    folloup for cpein

    I forgot one thing. The mega-coder minds are right in few cases.

    Few customise templates use there own functions. Sometimes these function violate the dev guidlines to receive data ( comments, last post and so on ). In such case even my plugin won’t work always ( But so far i got no response for such case ). I will put further info in the documenation, in the case somebody got such problem.

    Cya ??

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