• Hi,
    First thing I just want to thank you so much for your work. It is most amazing plugin I am tried about GDPR! Thank you so much.

    I have a few questions to you as the author:
    1. I hope that this plugin is light in case of webiste optimization? It is very important to me.
    2. Other plugin “knows” which kind of cookie my website using and I can just enabled it without advanced knowledge. I like your way. It is better, because it is very flexible and if user knows coding stuff, he can do much more than with other GDPR plugin. But I have a problem with finding every cookies which collecting information about user on my website – I’m just guessing, but this is not a good way for this. I found your manual on website, but this case is still to difficult for me, because I do not understand everything well. Could you help me in this case? I am using WordPress, Woocommerce, Google Analytics, FB pixel, Google Ads (for remarketing) and Yandex (for hitmaps). I think that other plugins on my website doesn’t collect information about users. In this point I have few subquestions:
    a) Do I really have to identificate every cookie? I am worry that I will missed something and could have a law problem with user with claims in future.
    b) So, I think that cookies for WordPress and WooCommerce should be as “requeired” – not optional. Where can I find every cookie for WordPress and Woocommerce? Maybe you have experience to help me and other user in this case.
    c) Rest positions I can use as optional and separated option. I understand that Google Analytics could be supported by few lines of code in functions.php using your manual, right? From here (second codes listing): https://gdpr-wp.com/knowledge-base/enabling-or-disabling-functionality-based-on-consent-and-cookies/
    d) But what with other stuff? FB Pixel, Google Ads (remarketing), Yandex and other? Should I use first code listing (from here: https://gdpr-wp.com/knowledge-base/enabling-or-disabling-functionality-based-on-consent-and-cookies/)for each one and add each code inside? If the answer is “yes”, how can I be sure which cookies I should add and using as trigger? Second thing, I am worry, because I am using Google Tag Manager for this. So I have to stopped do this, because code should be in functions.php – not by GTM, right? Maybe it is other way to do this? Like in case of Google Analytics.
    3. Where can I find e-mail templates to translate it? I mean e-mail sending when someone has consent or want to delete account. Loco translate doesn’t seen this part of messages.
    4. At the end I am wondering, can I do some simplifiaction? What do you thing about this way? Many GDPR plugins for WordPress doesn’t separating each cookies, but has just one acceptation and user should has included information about every cookies in “privacy policy”. Of course approval for newsletter and other things it is other case.
    5. I saw that you do not updating this plugin since 8 months. Is this project still in development? I am asking about safty and compatibility with other stuff.

    Sorry for long message and mass of questions, but as you seen I have just a problem with cookies and e-mail templates. Rest of thing is great and understood for me. Maybe answers fot this questions will help also others, because it is great plugin and other shouldn’t affraid of this things and choosing this plugin for GDPR.

    Best regards.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by deempl.
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