• This is a promising plugin, but has a few non-starters for me:
    1. The request submission is not intuitive. There is no submit button on the request, and the title and description are split into two screens

    2. It overrides theme styling for things like input boxes

    3. It shows a link to the plugin from the page with no option to remove it.

    Other things that are not non-starters, but make it feel rough:
    1. No way to change the url for feature requests, it’s hard coded to feature-requests/

    2. No way to have multiple feature request ‘boards’ – it’s all combined (categories does not solve the use case I have for multiple ‘boards’)

    3. No way to have requests auto-publish with moderation after publish. Slows down submission of ideas and encourages duplications

    4. No duplicate detection on submission

    As I said, this plugin is promising, but not there yet.
    I’m happy to pay for the pro version, but too many non-starters right now.

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  • Thread Starter technologypoet


    I’d recommend a few things:
    1. Allow the feature requests to be inserted via a shortcode. This will allow any sidebars and page customization to be preserved. It also allows for customization such as instructions above the voting and submission

    2. Allow opt-out of linking to plugin home page

    3. Allow auto-publish

    Hey, thanks for the feedback.

    1. The submissions shouldn’t be split into two screens – it should look like this:


    As you start typing, it will either display existing requests like yours, or will show a form to enter your own.

    2. Yes, it does come with some base styling. This is primarily to ensure the loader/clear button fits well into the input box. If I left it as theme styling it’d be impossible to make it work for everyone. The good thing about CSS is it is easy to override.

    3. Yes, this is something I meant to update. It’ll be in the next version.

    4. This is possible: https://docs.simplefeaturerequests.com/customizing/change-the-url-slug

    5. I’m not entirely sure what you mean by this. Do you have an example?

    6. This is possible: https://docs.simplefeaturerequests.com/customizing/change-the-default-post-status

    7. When you type into the request field it should automatically detect existing posts based on the title/content fields. It sounds like you may have been experiencing an issue with the submission form?

    8. Yes, this is a good idea and something I was planning to experiment with.

    9. this will be in the next version.

    10. As above, this is already possible.

    Hope this helps!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by jamesckemp.
    Thread Starter technologypoet


    Thanks for your fast reply!
    I’ll watch for updates.

    For ‘boards’ I meant have, e.g. two different feature request lists. Say per product (and then within products there are categories, but requests for one product shouldn’t show in the same list as for another product)

    Using a contrived example, I could have requests for ‘WordPress’ and ‘Buddypress’. and then a category of WordPress is ‘Gutenberg’, but I wouldn’t want WordPress and Buddypress requests to mix

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