I have the Disable REST API plugin installed, as well as the health check. Also worth noting, the website is for a volunteer group, and I’m new to handling the website, and the person that set it up isn’t super wordpress-savvy either…
This is the result from the health check site status:
WordPress Version 5.0.3
Plugin Versions
Your site has 43 active plugins, and they are all up to date.
Theme Versions
Your site has 8 installed themes, and they are all up to date.
Your site has 6 inactive themes, other than twentynineteen, the default WordPress theme, and Connexions Lite, your active theme. It is recommended to remove any unused themes to enhance your sites security.
PHP Version 5.6.39 – For best performance we recommend using PHP 7.2 or higher.
Database Server version 5.7.23-percona-sure1-log
PHP Extensions
The optional module, libsodium, is not installer, or has been disabled.
The optional module, imagick, is not installer, or has been disabled.
MySQL utf8mb4 support Your MySQL version supports utf8mb4
HTTPS status You are not using HTTPS to access this website.
Secure communication Your WordPress install can communicate securely with other services.
Scheduled events A scheduled event (mepr_jobs_worker) has failed to run. Your site still works, but this may indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates may not work as intended.
Plugin and Theme Updates
Plugin updates should be working as expected.
Theme updates should be working as expected.
HTTP Requests HTTP requests should be working as expected.
REST API availability The REST API is available.
Communication with www.remarpro.com www.remarpro.com is reachable from your server.
Background updates
No version control systems were detected.
Your installation of WordPress doesn’t require FTP credentials to perform updates.
All of your WordPress files are writable.
Loopback request The loopback request to your site completed successfully.