• Hey,

    I’m getting the following error when I click the crop button.

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method WP_Error::set_quality() in /wp-content/plugins/acf-image-crop-add-on/acf-image-crop-v5.php:526
    Stack trace:
    #0 /wp-content/plugins/acf-image-crop-add-on/acf-image-crop-v5.php(502): acf_field_image_crop->generate_cropped_image('2756', '0', '1920', '221', '656', '1200', '270', true, 'medium')
      thrown in /Users/tom.benyon/Projects/WP_DEV_ENV/wp-content/plugins/acf-image-crop-add-on/acf-image-crop-v5.php on line 526

    It’s referring to this code block and the last line here is throwing the error:

        function generate_cropped_image($id, $x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $targetW, $targetH, $saveToMediaLibrary, $previewSize){//$id, $x1, $x2, $y$, $y2, $targetW, $targetH){
            require_once ABSPATH . "/wp-admin/includes/file.php";
            require_once ABSPATH . "/wp-admin/includes/image.php";
            // Create the variable that will hold the new image data
            $imageData = array();
            // Fetch media library info
            $mediaDir = wp_upload_dir();
            // Get original image info
            $originalImageData = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id);
            // Get image editor from original image path to crop the image
            $image = wp_get_image_editor( $mediaDir['basedir'] . '/' . $originalImageData['file'] );
            // Set quality
            $image->set_quality( apply_filters('acf-image-crop/image-quality', 100) );

    This means your error handling that follows this line is not working.

    Because of that the front end gets hung in a state where cancel and Crop buttons are deactivated as a 500 error is getting returned from the AJAX response.

    The suggested code below fixes two issues. Firstly it ensure your error handling still triggers if the $image is not grabbed correctly. Secondly it fixes an issue for users like me who have their images stored on a CDN. The way you were grabbing the image didn’t cater for this.

        function generate_cropped_image($id, $x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $targetW, $targetH, $saveToMediaLibrary, $previewSize){//$id, $x1, $x2, $y$, $y2, $targetW, $targetH){
            require_once ABSPATH . "/wp-admin/includes/file.php";
            require_once ABSPATH . "/wp-admin/includes/image.php";
            // Create the variable that will hold the new image data
            $imageData = array();
            // Fetch media library info
            $mediaDir = wp_upload_dir();
            // Get original image info
            $originalImageData = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id);
            // Get image editor from original image path to crop the image
            $image = wp_get_image_editor( wp_get_attachment_image_src($id)[0] );
            if (method_exists($image, 'set_quality')) {
                // Set quality
                $image->set_quality(apply_filters('acf-image-crop/image-quality', 100));
            } else {
                $image = new WP_Error( '500', "Could not edit selected image. Does this image exist on the server?");

    This does not fix everything but this was all the time I could justify investing in this.

    The remaining issue is that although your code completes without error now, the image stored is simply a black rectangle.

    For context I am using the AWS S3 Offload plugin for my image storage.



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