I solve this putting the follow code in my functions.php:
function send_email_idea_created($newIdeaId){
$title = get_the_title($newIdeaId);
$link_post = get_post_permalink($newIdeaId);
wp_mail('[email protected]', 'My Subject', 'New idea: '.$title.' in the link '.$link_post);
add_action('idea_push_after_idea_created', 'send_email_idea_created', 100);
Works fine =D
But i have a observation: idea_push_after_idea_created
just pass 1 parameter ($newIdeaId
), but i think that he should pass 4, as it is in the FAQ ($newIdeaId, $userId, $title, $description)
.. So, I needed to get the title and the link with WordPress functions…
But, any way, is working now ??