Good catch @syntax53 & @moody1337. Here is the current situation:
I have put together all the patches around on Github I could find via the network analysis, including PHP7 fixes and transaction fixes (a lot of this was gathered by other developers, see the last link on the post for info). The plugin has not been maintained by what is now a unit of GoDaddy since about Q3 2017.
The Head of the patched Broken Link Checker github repo can be downloaded here if you want to try it:
Repo URL:
Please take a look at the issues I wrote up which illustrates good ideas that can be applied to this plugin:
Note this repo URL is subject to change – if i have to fork it i will change the URL. I already have a “cool name” in mind.
I have requested to take over managing this plugin:
If you support this, you can chime in there! Thanks for the vigilance ??