• i’ve got a Nokia 6600 which sports a smart camera, a web browser, and email client.
    i’d super dig posting from my phone to my WP Blog.
    there are many apps wich allow a companion blog, and some plugs for the phone which support typepad, but no real discussion of WP.
    there’s so much talk of Mobloging on this forum that i am feeling somewhat awkward about asking…
    imy guess is that setting up the email posting would be one way of adding to my blog from my phone (as the phone sends email) but how would i tranfer the photographs as well?
    anything out there?

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  • Plan 1) You should be able to upload using your N6600 phone via the class-xmlrpc.php file if you use a third party application (such as AZURE or KABLOG (but dont know for sure if they support WordPress off hand) Just google AZURE or go to https://www.kablog.org for more info on those tools.
    Plan 2) You could also use the email upload, and just be sure that the image is attached to the email..
    just select the image from the galleryyou wish to send, then select –> Options -> Send –> via e-mail
    it should automatically attach the photo to the email. Then either enter in the email manually or just create a contact with only the email so it would be easier to always sent to your blog this way.
    Hope this helps..

    Which version of WP are you using? I don’t believe 1.2 supports posting images via email in the default install – the nightlies might, but I’m not sure.
    I use the WP Mail plugin which allows me to moblog by sending emails with image attachments from my Nokia 3650. Works pretty well!
    I faintly remember there was a problem though – I think the images from my phone initially didn’t get posted because for some reason the script identified them as applications. I “fixed” it by just changing the script so that even application files are treated like images, since I’m the only one posting to it and I don’t need to post anything but images anyway. Not a very elegant solution though…

    Thread Starter dss


    I searched and have tried a few things.
    what do you make of this?

    Thread Starter dss


    I looked into PicoBlog and Kablog, so far these seem to support Blogger, Typepad, MT, and a few others, but no WP support.
    I thought that using a MetaWebBlog API would have worked just fine (like Flickr.com’s photo posting) but the app can’t verify the Blog.
    I wrote to the PicoBlog folks and pointed out how Flickr is working, but PicoBlog is not. Perhaps they will come to see how profoundly important wordpress is, and create a profile for WP users.
    i’ll keep searching and post what i find here.

    Then there is airblogging.com

    Thread Starter dss


    Airblogging works.
    i made an account and posted a little test and a photo from the Nokia 6600.
    However, there’s no way to add a title (that i know of) and the images are about 150 px too wide.
    : (
    i wrote to airblogger, humbly, asking about how to add a title.
    next test is the WP-mail solution.

    Thread Starter dss


    I installed the wp-mail hack with some mixed results.
    1. my telephone can send attachments, but they don’t show up in the mobile/email posts.
    2. there are no titles. somehow the subject line isn’t being converted to the title of the post.
    3. it seems that in order for the posts to go through, the user must run the wp-admin.php “script” and then voila, they are posted.
    this isn’t exactly what i’d call useful. in that i only want to post from my telephone because i will not be anywhere near a computer for three weeks.
    pictures would be nice, but no essential.
    anyone found a way to bypass the “script” so that posts actually post?
    or found a way to convert attached jpg’s as images in the post?
    guess i’m going dead air for a few weeks…
    : (

    let’s keep this thread alive.

    Thread Starter dss


    So far the only functional solution i’ve found is airblogger.com
    they deliver a message to the blog in no time.
    pictures are still poorly sized, but i suppose that with some thoughtful code (like max-width: 100% or maybe smaller….) it could be forced to work properly.
    what i wanna know is why does email to my blog fail (because i need to actually get to a computer and load the wp-mail.php to post them, thus defeating the purpose of mobile blogging, right?) and yet, airblogger can do it.
    what are they doing that WP can’t do, or be told to do from the email?
    : (

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