Gutenberg media & text block centering issue
Hi — I’m working with Pinnacle and WordPress v5.0.1, and I’m noticing some problems with the media & text block. Pinnacle’s CSS is causing all the text in the block (headers, bullet lists, paragraph text) to center.
You can correct the header and paragraph by manually changing the alignment to left or right, but the new editor doesn’t give you alignment options for bullet lists, so there’s no way to stop them from being centered. I believe this is happening because Pinnacle’s CSS is using text-align to center non-text elements.
Additionally, block elements set to “wide width” are sticking out past the containing element on the right and left side. This looks like it might be intentional, but it’s not optimal since the new WordPress editor only gives two options for the width of a media & text block, either “wide width” or “full width” which goes all the way to the edge of the browser window.
On a related note, Pinnacle’s 15px margin on all images causes images in the media & text block to misalign, shifting 15 pixels outside the frame in order to accommodate the margin.
I’ve already implemented CSS patches to fix these problems so I’m not looking for a solution, I just wanted to make you aware of these issues with Pinnacle and the new WordPress editor. I’m sure there are more, but this is what I’ve come across so far.
For anyone who is interested, here’s what I did to fix the text centering issue. This works if your media & text block is set to “wide width” and the page is not using a sidebar.
.main:not(.kt-sidebar) .entry-content .alignwide:not(.wp-block-kadence-rowlayout) {text-align: left;}
This is what I did to stop the “wide width” blocks from sticking out past the edges of the containing page:
.main:not(.kt-sidebar) .entry-content .alignwide {width: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; right: 0; left: 0;}
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