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  • Plugin Author gioni


    No worries. The plugin doesn’t prevent search engines from crawling normal, public pages and doesn’t prevent search engines from indexing a website. So this doesn’t need to be resolved. Check the URLs of those blocked requests on the Live Traffic page.

    See also:

    The same happens when the link to our website is published on Facebook. When a user is logged on Facebook and clicks the link to our website, Facebook adds /?fbclid=akadkagakagkahg….. This is their workaround of GDPR. I have to strip all tracking in Apache by ModRewrite engine.
    Facebook uses fbclid to track logged users without third party cookies which are blocked by default in some browsers.
    In my opinion WP Cerber does it right. This thing fbclid= must be treated as malicious behavior.

    Hi there, Thanks for the plugin! I’m hoping to get some more information on blocking Google and MSN bots: You say it doesn’t affect search rankings, however, I’m seeing these bots are having their “IP addressed is locked out” on normal, public pages after getting a “probing for vulnerable PHP” error on a bad link. If the Google Bot’s IP address is locked out, that would mean it cannot crawl the public pages, and that would likely affect rankings, would it not? Thanks for any insight!

    Plugin Author gioni


    Even if Google Bot’s IP address is locked out, it can crawl public pages as usual. Cerber doesn’t limit access to static public pages/posts even if an IP address is locked out because it makes no sense in terms of security. Just because limiting access to static pages has nothing in common with security and online assets protection.


    Is there any way to filter out these errors (or ignore them) as they’re clogging up the activity log with unimportant information.

    Same issue to me, and I have been receiving emails every hour about Google Bot is blocked, is there a way to exclude googlebot and facebook from this?

    Very suspicious url requests – apparently from googlebot
    What is so suspicious about these url requests (just below) is that:

    • They use the non-standard directory
      The standard folder is /wp-content/…
      That makes me think it can’t be from Google
    • They are for plugins I don’t have, and the folders clearly cannot exist

    Although the IP address is apparently owned by Google when I click for more detail, what sort of crawler program searches for directories which are completely non-standard?
    If this really is from Google, maybe you could contact them, Gioni to say that these requests seem very odd? I tried replying to the network-abuse email listed, but I haven’t had a reply, and maybe you will have more clout than I do, Gioni?
    If these IP addresses are not being used by legitimate Google crawlers, then they are malicious and should be blocked. I’m not completely sure, and I haven’t been blocking them, but I am suspicious.

    XXX.YYY.65.227 14/01/2020, 10:20 am Malicious request denied IP address is locked out URL:

    XXX.YYY.65.226 14/01/2020, 10:20 am Malicious request denied IP address is locked out URL:

    googleusercontent clearly malicious
    I also saw an Internet request from an IP address with a server name including ‘googleusercontent’. I have not been blocking them for the same reason that everyone else has been cautious – I don’t want to block a Google crawler. However I saw four different IP addresses making the same request – which is clearly malicious.

    The point I take away is that just because someone puts ‘google’ in the server name, it doesn’t mean that really is from Google.

    XXX.YYY.126.206 14/01/2020, 5:05 pm Probing for vulnerable PHP code Denied URL:

    XXX.YYY.153.39 14/01/2020, 4:24 pm Probing for vulnerable PHP code Denied URL:

    XXX.YYY.172.3 14/01/2020, 2:34 pm Probing for vulnerable PHP code Denied URL:

    XXX.YYY.193.48 14/01/2020, 2:24 pm Probing for vulnerable PHP code Denied URL:



    I have the same crawl googlebot ip locking for accessing to /media/picture.php or index.php, but, the /media folder is empty and have no files. It is a googlebot misworking or cerber ? Because Cerber tell me googlebot try to access non existing files ^^

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