Hi there,
Error 500 is at the server level, which may or may not be caused by PHP.
You may get an error 500 installing any plugin (for a multitude of reasons), and there is no need to restore from backup when that happens. All you need to do is to rename or delete the plugin, from the wp-content/plugins
directory, either via FTP/SFTP or your control panel.
The first thing to see, is why you got an error 500.
That can be seen on your PHP error logs, on your server or control panel.
There will be a notification showing what happened and when, as well as where.
In you specific case, an error 500 could happened for any of the following reasons:
a) your server either has a very old PHP version or is missing some PHP extension
b) the install failed due to file permissions
c) there is a conflict with some other plugin you use (and most probably this is the reason)
The fact that there is a conflict, doesn’t mean FVM doesn’t work.
If you were to install FVM first, and the other plugin that is causing the conflict later, you would say that “the other plugin” gave you an error 500 instead.
I work very hard to make FVM compatible with most hosting solutions and other plugins, and from the 50,000 installs here, you can see that there is nobody complaining about error 500.
It’s either something very specific to your server, or you have a faulty (or old) plugin causing it, when FVM is installed.
FVM doesn’t modify your theme or any other plugins.
That’s well explained in the faqs:
Feel free to reach me directly via fastvelocity.com and I will be happy to help you setup FVM and tell you why exactly, you’re getting an error.
Also if your site is https://www.axtudo.com/
you seem to be using the pagespeed module on your server. I would advise against using any minification plugin, since that module is already meant to do what FVM does.
If you want to do manual optimization, you should disable the pagespeed module, or at least, the part that merges and minifies content. Most of the time, the pagespeed module will make your site slower, and that is one of the reasons, why it has been discontinued long time ago by google.