.htaccess, upgrade and update problems
I have some problems which gives me nightmares with .htaccess. I will explain step by step what the problems are:
I use Debian 4 as system, and WP 2.7.
First I want to change the permalink to somthing like homepage.com/fish_and _water (for example). In order to do this I creat a .htaccess file with touch and make it for sure writeable with 777 (only to be sure). Next I set in Permalinks of WP to /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/ (it is not exactly what I want but first step by step …) OK so far so good. WP tells me that the permastructur is added. And now the trouobles starts: after looking my site I get an error: site is not available. Ok I delet .htaccess and hope to come to the start but it is like a switch is used and no is no coming back. The error stay. Even if I delet the whole domain and install it new I can not access anything.Second problem is the upgrade of plugins but I guess this is another thread ??
Any suggestions what I can do?
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