Thanks for the reply. I’m not certain how it addresses my situation, however, as you seem to be suggesting a method for duplicating my custom taxonomy rather than a way to quickly add many more terms to it. Or am I misreading your answer?
Here’s my situation: A couple of days ago, I registered a taxonomy with CPTUI using the “locations” taxonomy slug. (See settings below.) Then, I started adding parent and child terms to the taxonomy by typing one at a time. Using this method, I entered a few hundred location terms. I have thousands more location terms to enter, but at this rate, it will take forever. Instead, I would prefer to import a csv file containing all the parent and child terms into my custom locations taxonomy. I’m okay with overwriting the terms I’ve already input or even deleting the taxonomy and starting over if that’s an issue.
The settings for my Location Taxonomy:
{“location”:{“name”:”location”,”label”:”Locations”,”singular_label”:”Location”,”description”:”This taxonomy will enable genealogists to filter products, media, posts and pages by location.”,”public”:”true”,”publicly_queryable”:”true”,”hierarchical”:”true”,”show_ui”:”true”,”show_in_menu”:”true”,”show_in_nav_menus”:”true”,”query_var”:”true”,”query_var_slug”:””,”rewrite”:”true”,”rewrite_slug”:””,”rewrite_withfront”:”1″,”rewrite_hierarchical”:”1″,”show_admin_column”:”false”,”show_in_rest”:”false”,”show_in_quick_edit”:””,”rest_base”:””,”rest_controller_class”:””,”labels”:{“menu_name”:”Locations”,”all_items”:”All Locations”,”edit_item”:”Edit Locations”,”view_item”:”View Location”,”update_item”:”Update Location Name”,”add_new_item”:”Add New Location”,”new_item_name”:”New Location Name”,”parent_item”:”Parent Location”,”parent_item_colon”:”Parent Location:”,”search_items”:”Search Locations”,”popular_items”:”Popular Locations”,”separate_items_with_commas”:”Separate Locations with Commas”,”add_or_remove_items”:”Add or Remove Locations”,”choose_from_most_used”:”Choose from the Most Used Locations”,”not_found”:”No Locations Found”,”no_terms”:”No Locations”,”items_list_navigation”:”Locations List Navigation”,”items_list”:”Locations List”},”meta_box_cb”:””,”object_types”:[“post”,”page”,”attachment”,”product”]}}