• Resolved s011420


    Hi Support,

    I tried to use your method: https://currency-switcher.com/product-add-ons-woocommerce/
    added and changed the code.

    but I found that the original file: plugins\woocommerce-product-addons\assets\js\addons.js is changed. (different with your screenshot)

    I added the following code:

    if (woocs_current_currency != undefined && woocs_current_currency['rate'] != undefined && woocommerce_addons_params . woocs_is_multiple == 0) {
        product_price = product_price * woocs_current_currency['rate'];
        product_raw = product_raw * woocs_current_currency['rate'];


    $cart.find( '.addon' ).each( function() {
    				var addon_cost     = 0,
    					addon_cost_raw = 0;

    However, the amount displayed wrong in shopping cart and checkout page.
    please check screenshot for more detail: https://imgur.com/a/UIDTDjz

    I need your help.

    Many thanks.

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  • Hello

    Did you add this code – https://c2n.me/3XBYRLg.png ?

    but I found that the original file: plugins\woocommerce-product-addons\assets\js\addons.js is changed. – This only affects the price on the product page. I need to see the new code(addons.js)

    Thread Starter s011420


    Hi Support,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I did add the code:

    	 * Adjust add-on proce if set on cart.
    	 * @since 2.7.0
    	 * @version 2.9.0
    	 * @param array $cart_item Cart item data.
    	 * @return array
    	public function add_cart_item( $cart_item ) {
    		if ( ! empty( $cart_item['addons'] ) && apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_addons_adjust_price', true, $cart_item ) ) {
    			$price = (float) $cart_item['data']->get_price( 'edit' );
    			//compatibility for WooCommerce Currency Switcher by realmag777
    if (class_exists('WOOCS')) {
        global $WOOCS;
        if ($WOOCS->is_multiple_allowed) {
            $currrent = $WOOCS->current_currency;
            if ($currrent != $WOOCS->default_currency) {
                $currencies = $WOOCS->get_currencies();
                $rate = $currencies[$currrent]['rate'];
                $price = $price / $rate;
    //compatibility for WooCommerce Currency Switcher by realmag777 END
    			// Compatibility with Smart Coupons self declared gift amount purchase.
    			if ( empty( $price ) && ! empty( $_POST['credit_called'] ) ) {
    				// $_POST['credit_called'] is an array.
    				if ( isset( $_POST['credit_called'][ $cart_item['data']->get_id() ] ) ) {
    					$price = (float) $_POST['credit_called'][ $cart_item['data']->get_id() ];
    			if ( empty( $price ) && ! empty( $cart_item['credit_amount'] ) ) {
    				$price = (float) $cart_item['credit_amount'];
    			foreach ( $cart_item['addons'] as $addon ) {
    				if ( $addon['price'] > 0 ) {
    					$price += (float) $addon['price'];
    			$cart_item['data']->set_price( $price );
    		return $cart_item;
    	 * Get cart item from session.
    	 * @param array $cart_item Cart item data.
    	 * @param array $values    Cart item values.
    	 * @return array
    	public function get_cart_item_from_session( $cart_item, $values ) {
    		if ( ! empty( $values['addons'] ) ) {
    			$cart_item['addons'] = $values['addons'];
    			$cart_item = $this->add_cart_item( $cart_item );
    		return $cart_item;
    	 * Get item data.
    	 * @param array $other_data Other data.
    	 * @param array $cart_item  Cart item data.
    	 * @return array
    	public function get_item_data( $other_data, $cart_item ) {
    		if ( ! empty( $cart_item['addons'] ) ) {
    			foreach ( $cart_item['addons'] as $addon ) {
    				$name = $addon['name'];
    				if ( $addon['price'] > 0 && apply_filters( 'woocommerce_addons_add_price_to_name', '__return_true' ) ) {
    //compatibility for WooCommerce Currency Switcher by realmag777
    $price_temp = $addon['price'];
    if (class_exists('WOOCS')) {
        global $WOOCS;
        $currrent = $WOOCS->current_currency;
        if ($currrent != $WOOCS->default_currency AND $WOOCS->is_multiple_allowed) {
            $currencies = $WOOCS->get_currencies();
            $rate = $currencies[$currrent]['rate'];
            $price_temp = $price_temp * $rate;
    					$name .= ' (' . wc_price( get_product_addon_price_for_display( $price_temp, $cart_item['data'], true ) ) . ')';
    //compatibility for WooCommerce Currency Switcher by realmag777 END
    				$other_data[] = array(
    					'name'    => $name,
    					'value'   => $addon['value'],
    					'display' => isset( $addon['display'] ) ? $addon['display'] : '',

    but I found that the original plugin code is a little bit different with your screenshot.the line: $price = (float) $cart_item[‘data’]->get_price( ‘edit’ );

    And there is the new code of addons.js:

    jQuery( document ).ready( function($) {
    	$.fn.init_addon_totals = function() {
    		function isGroupedMixedProductType() {
    			var group  = $( '.product-type-grouped' ),
    				subs   = 0,
    				simple = 0;
    			if ( group.length ) {
    				group.find( '.group_table tr.product' ).each( function() {
    					if ( 0 < $( this ).find( '.input-text.qty' ).val() ) {
    						// For now only checking between simple and subs.
    						if ( $( this ).find( '.entry-summary .subscription-details' ).length ) {
    						} else {
    				if ( 0 < subs && 0 < simple ) {
    					return true;
    			return false;
    		function isGroupedSubsSelected() {
    			var group = $( '.product-type-grouped' ),
    				subs  = false;
    			if ( group.length ) {
    				group.find( '.group_table tr.product' ).each( function() {
    					if ( 0 < $( this ).find( '.input-text.qty' ).val() ) {
    						if ( $( this ).find( '.entry-summary .subscription-details' ).length ) {
    							subs = true;
    							return false;
    			return subs;
    		var $cart            = $( this ),
    			$variation_input = $cart.hasClass( 'variations_form' ) ? $cart.find( 'input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id' ) : false;
    		// Clear all values on variable product when clear selection is clicked
    		$( this ).on( 'click', '.reset_variations', function() {
    			$.each( $cart.find( '.product-addon' ), function() {
    				var element = $( this ).find( '.addon' );
    				if ( element.is( ':checkbox' ) || element.is( ':radio' ) ) {
    					element.prop( 'checked', false );
    				if ( element.is( 'select' ) ) {
    					element.prop( 'selectedIndex', 0 );
    				if ( element.is( ':text' ) || element.is( 'textarea' ) || element.is( 'input[type="number"]' ) || element.is( 'input[type="file"]' ) ) {
    					element.val( '' );
    			$cart.trigger( 'woocommerce-product-addons-update' );
    		// clicking on a number input scrollers updates the total continuously.
    		$( this ).on( 'mouseup', 'input[type=number]', function (e) {
    			$( this ).trigger( 'woocommerce-product-addons-update' );
    		$( this ).on( 'keyup change', '.product-addon input, .product-addon textarea', function() {
    			if ( $( this ).attr( 'maxlength' ) > 0 ) {
    				var value     = $( this ).val();
    				var remaining = $( this ).attr( 'maxlength' ) - value.length;
    				$( this ).next( '.chars_remaining' ).find( 'span' ).text( remaining );
    		$( this ).find( ' .addon-custom, .addon-custom-textarea' ).each( function() {
    			if ( $( this ).attr( 'maxlength' ) > 0 ) {
    				$( this ).after( '<small class="chars_remaining"><span>' + $( this ).attr( 'maxlength' ) + '</span> ' + woocommerce_addons_params.i18n_remaining + '</small>' );
    		$( this ).on( 'change', '.product-addon input, .product-addon textarea, .product-addon select, input.qty', function() {
    			$( this ).trigger( 'woocommerce-product-addons-update' );
    		$( this ).on( 'found_variation', function( event, variation ) {
    			var $variation_form = $( this ),
    				$totals         = $variation_form.find( '#product-addons-total' );
    			if ( typeof( variation.display_price ) !== 'undefined' ) {
    				$totals.data( 'price', variation.display_price );
    			} else if ( $( variation.price_html ).find( '.amount:last' ).size() ) {
    				product_price = $( variation.price_html ).find( '.amount:last' ).text();
    				product_price = product_price.replace( woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_symbol, '' );
    				product_price = product_price.replace( woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_thousand_sep, '' );
    				product_price = product_price.replace( woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_decimal_sep, '.' );
    				product_price = product_price.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, '' );
    				product_price = parseFloat( product_price );
    				$totals.data( 'price', product_price );
    			$variation_form.trigger( 'woocommerce-product-addons-update' );
    		// Compatibility with Smart Coupons self declared gift amount purchase.
    		var custom_gift_card_amount = $( '#credit_called' );
    		$( custom_gift_card_amount ).on( 'keyup', function() {
    			$cart.trigger( 'woocommerce-product-addons-update' );
    		$( this ).on( 'woocommerce-product-addons-update', function() {
    			var total         = 0,
    				total_raw     = 0,
    				$totals       = $cart.find( '#product-addons-total' ),
    				is_variable   = $variation_input && $variation_input.length > 0,
    				product_id    = is_variable ? $variation_input.val() : $totals.data( 'product-id' ),
    				product_price = $totals.data( 'price' ),
    				product_type  = $totals.data( 'type' ),
    				qty           = $cart.find( '.quantity .qty' ).val();
    			// Compatibility with Smart Coupons self declared gift amount purchase.
    			if ( '' === product_price && custom_gift_card_amount.length && 0 < custom_gift_card_amount.val() ) {
    				product_price = custom_gift_card_amount.val();
    //compatibility for WooCommerce Currency Switcher by realmag777			
    if (woocs_current_currency != undefined && woocs_current_currency['rate'] != undefined && woocommerce_addons_params . woocs_is_multiple == 0) {
        product_price = product_price * woocs_current_currency['rate'];
        product_raw = product_raw * woocs_current_currency['rate'];
    //compatibility for WooCommerce Currency Switcher by realmag777 END
    			$cart.find( '.addon' ).each( function() {
    				var addon_cost     = 0,
    					addon_cost_raw = 0;
    				if ( $( this ).is( '.addon-custom-price' ) ) {
    					addon_cost = $( this ).val();
    				} else if ( $( this ).is( '.addon-input_multiplier' ) ) {
    					if( isNaN( $( this ).val() ) || $( this ).val() == "" ) { // Number inputs return blank when invalid
    						$( this ).val( '' );
    						$( this ).closest( 'p' ).find( '.addon-alert' ).show();
    					} else {
    						if( $( this ).val() != "" ){
    							$( this ).val( Math.ceil( $( this ).val() ) );
    						$( this ).closest( 'p' ).find( '.addon-alert' ).hide();
    					addon_cost     = $( this ).data( 'price' ) * $( this ).val();
    					addon_cost_raw = $( this ).data( 'raw-price' ) * $( this ).val();
    				} else if ( $( this ).is( '.addon-checkbox, .addon-radio' ) ) {
    					if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
    						addon_cost     = $( this ).data( 'price' );
    						addon_cost_raw = $( this ).data( 'raw-price' );
    				} else if ( $( this ).is( '.addon-select' ) ) {
    					if ( $( this ).val() ) {
    						addon_cost     = $( this ).find( 'option:selected' ).data( 'price' );
    						addon_cost_raw = $( this ).find( 'option:selected' ).data( 'raw-price' );
    				} else {
    					if ( $( this ).val() ) {
    						addon_cost     = $( this ).data( 'price' );
    						addon_cost_raw = $( this ).data( 'raw-price' );
    				if ( ! addon_cost ) {
    					addon_cost = 0;
    				if ( ! addon_cost_raw ) {
    					addon_cost_raw = 0;
    //compatibility for WooCommerce Currency Switcher by realmag777
    				if (woocs_current_currency != undefined && woocs_current_currency['rate'] != undefined && addon_cost != undefined) {
        addon_cost = addon_cost * woocs_current_currency['rate'];
        addon_cost_raw = addon_cost_raw * woocs_current_currency['rate'];
    //compatibility for WooCommerce Currency Switcher by realmag777 END
    				total = parseFloat( total ) + parseFloat( addon_cost );
    				total_raw = parseFloat( total_raw ) + parseFloat( addon_cost_raw );
    			} );
    			$totals.data( 'addons-price', total );
    			$totals.data( 'addons-raw-price', total_raw );
    			if ( $cart.find( 'input.qty' ).size() ) {
    				var qty = 0;
    				$cart.find( 'input.qty' ).each( function() {
    					qty += parseFloat( $( this ).val() );
    			} else {
    				var qty = 1;
    			if ( total > 0 && qty > 0 ) {
    				var product_total_price,
    					subscription_details = false;
    				total     = parseFloat( total * qty );
    				total_raw = parseFloat( total_raw * qty );
    				var formatted_addon_total = accounting.formatMoney( total, {
    					symbol 		: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_symbol,
    					decimal 	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_decimal_sep,
    					thousand	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_thousand_sep,
    					precision 	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_num_decimals,
    					format		: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format
    				if ( 'undefined' !== typeof product_price && product_id ) {
    					product_total_price = parseFloat( product_price * qty );
    					var formatted_sub_total = accounting.formatMoney( product_total_price + total, {
    						symbol 		: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_symbol,
    						decimal 	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_decimal_sep,
    						thousand	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_thousand_sep,
    						precision 	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_num_decimals,
    						format		: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format
    				if ( $( '.entry-summary .subscription-details' ).length ) {
    					// Add-Ons added at bundle level only affect the up-front price.
    					if ( ! $cart.hasClass( 'bundle_data' ) ) {
    						subscription_details = $( '.entry-summary .subscription-details' ).clone().wrap( '<p>' ).parent().html();
    				if ( 'grouped' === product_type ) {
    					if ( subscription_details && ! isGroupedMixedProductType() && isGroupedSubsSelected() ) {
    						formatted_addon_total += subscription_details;
    						if ( formatted_sub_total ) {
    							formatted_sub_total += subscription_details;
    				} else if ( subscription_details ) {
    					formatted_addon_total += subscription_details;
    					if ( formatted_sub_total ) {
    						formatted_sub_total += subscription_details;
    				var html = '<dl class="product-addon-totals"><dt>' + woocommerce_addons_params.i18n_addon_total + '</dt><dd><strong><span class="amount">' + formatted_addon_total + '</span></strong></dd>';
    				if ( formatted_sub_total && '1' == $totals.data( 'show-sub-total' ) ) {
    					// To show our "price display suffix" we have to do some magic since the string can contain variables (excl/incl tax values)
    					// so we have to take our sub total and find out what the tax value is, which we can do via an ajax call
    					// if its a simple string, or no string at all, we can output the string without an extra call
    					var price_display_suffix = '',
    						sub_total_string     = typeof( $totals.data( 'i18n_sub_total' ) ) === 'undefined' ? woocommerce_addons_params.i18n_sub_total : $totals.data( 'i18n_sub_total' );
    					// no sufix is present, so we can just output the total
    					if ( ! woocommerce_addons_params.price_display_suffix ) {
    						html = html + '<dt>' + sub_total_string + '</dt><dd><strong><span class="amount">' + formatted_sub_total + '</span></strong></dd></dl>';
    						$totals.html( html );
    						$cart.trigger( 'updated_addons' );
    					// a suffix is present, but no special labels are used - meaning we don't need to figure out any other special values - just display the playintext value
    					if ( false === ( woocommerce_addons_params.price_display_suffix.indexOf( '{price_including_tax}' ) > -1 ) && false === ( woocommerce_addons_params.price_display_suffix.indexOf( '{price_excluding_tax}' ) > -1 ) ) {
    						html = html + '<dt>' + sub_total_string + '</dt><dd><strong><span class="amount">' + formatted_sub_total + '</span> ' + woocommerce_addons_params.price_display_suffix + '</strong></dd></dl>';
    						$totals.html( html );
    						$cart.trigger( 'updated_addons' );
    					// Based on the totals/info and settings we have, we need to use the get_price_*_tax functions
    					// to get accurate totals. We can get these values with a special Ajax function
    					$.ajax( {
    						type: 'POST',
    						url:  woocommerce_addons_params.ajax_url,
    						data: {
    							action: 'wc_product_addons_calculate_tax',
    							product_id: product_id,
    							add_on_total: total,
    							add_on_total_raw: total_raw,
    							qty: qty
    						success: 	function( result ) {
    							if ( result.result == 'SUCCESS' ) {
    								price_display_suffix = '<small class="woocommerce-price-suffix">' + woocommerce_addons_params.price_display_suffix + '</small>';
    								var formatted_price_including_tax = accounting.formatMoney( result.price_including_tax, {
    									symbol 		: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_symbol,
    									decimal 	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_decimal_sep,
    									thousand	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_thousand_sep,
    									precision 	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_num_decimals,
    									format		: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format
    								} );
    								var formatted_price_excluding_tax = accounting.formatMoney( result.price_excluding_tax, {
    									symbol 		: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_symbol,
    									decimal 	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_decimal_sep,
    									thousand	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_thousand_sep,
    									precision 	: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format_num_decimals,
    									format		: woocommerce_addons_params.currency_format
    								} );
    								price_display_suffix = price_display_suffix.replace( '{price_including_tax}', formatted_price_including_tax );
    								price_display_suffix = price_display_suffix.replace( '{price_excluding_tax}', formatted_price_excluding_tax );
    								html                 = html + '<dt>' + sub_total_string + '</dt><dd><strong><span class="amount">' + formatted_sub_total + '</span> ' + price_display_suffix + ' </strong></dd></dl>';
    								$totals.html( html );
    								$cart.trigger( 'updated_addons' );
    							} else {
    								html = html + '<dt>' + sub_total_string + '</dt><dd><strong><span class="amount">' + formatted_sub_total + '</span></strong></dd></dl>';
    								$totals.html( html );
    								$cart.trigger( 'updated_addons' );
    						error: function() {
    							html = html + '<dt>' + sub_total_string + '</dt><dd><strong><span class="amount">' + formatted_sub_total + '</span></strong></dd></dl>';
    							$totals.html( html );
    							$cart.trigger( 'updated_addons' );
    				} else {
    					$cart.trigger( 'updated_addons' );
    			} else {
    				$cart.trigger( 'updated_addons' );
    		$( this ).find( '.addon-custom, .addon-custom-textarea, .product-addon input, .product-addon textarea, .product-addon select, input.qty' ).change();
    		// When default variation exists, 'found_variation' must be triggered
    		$( this ).find( '.variations select' ).change();
    	// Quick view
    	$( 'body' ).on( 'quick-view-displayed', function() {
    		$( this ).find( '.cart:not(.cart_group)' ).each( function() {
    			$( this ).init_addon_totals();
    	// Composites
    	$( 'body .component' ).on( 'wc-composite-component-loaded', function() {
    		$( this ).find( '.cart' ).each( function() {
    			$( this ).init_addon_totals();
    	// Initialize
    	$( 'body' ).find( '.cart:not(.cart_group)' ).each( function() {
    		$( this ).init_addon_totals();

    Many thanks.


    Ok! Read this please – https://currency-switcher.com/woocs-labs/

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