So looking at the logs, it appears my DB backup is failing. This is resulting in nothing being backed-up. I used WP-Optimize to clean-up my DB, but my wp_postmeta table is still unbelievable large (over 700MB while my wp_posts is 3.5MB).
The end of my log:
3958.075 (9) The current run is resumption number 9, and there was nothing useful done on the last run (last useful run: 1) – will not schedule a further attempt until we see something useful happening this time
3958.080 (9) Creation of backups of directories: already finished
3958.082 (9) Saving backup status to database (elements: 8)
3958.093 (9) Resuming creation of database dump (WordPress DB)
3958.244 (9) Table wp_options: corresponding file already exists; moving on
3958.248 (9) Table wp_users: corresponding file already exists; moving on
3958.249 (9) Table wp_usermeta: corresponding file already exists; moving on
3958.250 (9) Table wp_commentmeta: corresponding file already exists; moving on
3958.252 (9) Table wp_comments: corresponding file already exists; moving on
3958.255 (9) Table wp_links: corresponding file already exists; moving on
3958.285 (9) Table wp_postmeta: Total expected rows (approximate): 81207
In the dashboard, my backups shows as “Not finished” until the next backups runs. Then, that one shows as “Not finished”.
Like I said, I ran WP-Optimize to get to this point. Thrive offered to clean-up my wp_postsmeta table, but want me to do a backup first. Obviously, backups are not working.
Please advise.