Idea to change WP Media folders
I thought you may consider to change a little how the WP Media folders interface would work. I feel it is easier to describe what I am discussing via videos because I can show what the problem was and show how my suggested changes will look and what they will do. I created my discussion as a set of YouTube videos, each video is about 5 minutes long, and there are a total of 8 videos. The videos go from Part 01 to Part 08. They are all uploaded to YouTube. Here is the URL of the first video:
This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
Patrick Gray.
This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
Patrick Gray. Reason: I read it again, and it was not quite clear
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
I’ve quickly gone through your videos.
There is many points to explain and which are maybe unclear and should be better documented (It’s in my todo list)If your files were already moved via the import feature of Joomunited’s plugin then there is a “move existing media” button in the plugin settings to reflect the virtual folders structure to an actual one.
This Joomunited’s plugin feature should allow you to manage your files in a folder outside the default wordpress upload.
Then WP Media Folders should automatically rearrange the the files to actual folders.An important point is that the process is not instant. The process of moving files is complex and takes time to be finished.
You should see a point in the menu bar that gives informations about the overall process. If it’s grey, there is no informations yet about the process (the query may take time to be received), orange plus a number when there is files to be moved and the process is running in background. When it’s green all’s good.
The more you have post, page and more generally content in your database, the more it will take time, server resources and time.When you change the file path of a file in the media manager popup you just have to click outside de field, so WordPress launch the save process.
It works as the title and the alt text, when you edit this field the WordPress builtin process should care about saving it.
But you have to reload the whole WordPress media manager page when all the files have been moved.
I have no way currently to update the informations on the page after files have been moved.About the wheel which is shown during a lot of time, I think it’s because the process in background may take server resources.
Because of that the ajax query sent to load attachments is processed more slowly.Best regards
Thank you for your kind reply. I am attempting to digest all of this. I find myself intimidated by database activities. They always seem like magic to me. My son is a programmer. I talked to him about this, he smiled and said “Well, dad, you’ve created the front end of a program, and not much else.” I asked him, “What is ‘the front end’?” He explained to me that the front end is the part that the public sees, all the rest is the working portion of the program. From my point of view, all I really want to deal with is the front end. So my hope was a simple 3 step processStep 1) This is what your files and folders look like now at the server level
Step 2) What do you want your files and folders at the server level to look like?
Step 3) Here’s what this program thinks you requested at Step 2) above and if you say yes, then this program will make these changes.Thanks again for helping. I think I have about 30 more Instructional Videos to upload on the topic of how to make a video of a a collection of moving objects that only exist as a 3D drawing, and yet the imagery of the video is pleasing to look at because of rendering. I have an internal combustion open cycle heat engine motor for the robot that generates power without making any noise. I think this is just essential for robots to move out into the world of practicality. I know from a global warming viewpoint that the end hope is not fossil fuel, but I feel that right now battery technology is acting as an impediment to robots moving out into the population. I think that’s going to be about 70 videos, so I must get this video uplink issue settled. I feel as an intuition, that others may also want to do this with their websites. Little conversational videos about this or that in 4-5 minute bits are a pretty cool way for someone to “talk to the world.” So to me, its worth figuring out how to get this to work well. I think I made a big mistake by working with these media files in my website before I had them in their proper location. My plan is uppload collections of mp4’s via FTP, then move mp4’s one-by-one into the folder where I want them to be, then make sure WordPress “sees” each mp4 as a full-fledged WordPress media file, and only then will I incorporate this media file into my website. I have my fingers crossed. ?? pg
Hi Patrick,
Yes your son is right, and the frontend is the tip of the iceberg.
All the other part needs a lot of work.Can I ask you why you want to to move actual file and not use the virtual folder way.
I can understand you want to put all you files in a folder an import it in the WordPress media manager, as you do with the import function.
But why do you want the actual folder structure once it’s in your media manager?Best regards
Well, I have had nothing but bad experiences with the native WordPress media behavior. I’ve been on my website since 2015. I have 22 Gigabytes of media. Every time I opened the media folder of my site, it proceeded to try to list every media item I had ever uploaded. What a waste of time. I feel that almost nobody remembers, understands, or thinks about their files based on what month of what year they uploaded them. They tend to think about them either via their name or the topic or subject that they were uploaded in reference to. In addition, WordPress is exceptionally sensitive to any “hiccups” during the upload process. We’re pretty rural and our internet just isn’t very stable. Trying to get large media files to upload was endlessly frustrating because any internet variability at all and WordPress just cancels the upload. I went to FTP and as an upload process FTP is much more stable, much more forgiving, and a lot faster. But with FTP, one is forced to evaluate and “see” their website as a collection of files in folders, because that’s how FTP sends the uploaded files into the website. I have so many topics that I want to talk about with the robot and every topic is tediously complex because I am putting together a robot that runs totally differently from what is out there right now. I think its revolutionary, but whenever one is far from what is the typical, then resistance will arise and the best defense against resistance is to carefully make your point, one little bit at a time, building further points on previous points, where if anyone suddenly says, “Whoa, you can’t be there, how did we get to this point of view?” and I can say or they can remember, “Oh, yeah, he uploaded every single bit of what he was talking about.” “I can just go back to previous mp4’s and replay what he said.” So I want plenty of data, easily understood, presented in excruciating detail. But to do that, I absolutely must be able to understand, find, remember, check on, and basically manage what it is that I have said. And the mp4’s are big enough that they randomly can get corrupted (translation from my son the programmer: Dad got into the mp4 at the site and goofed it up)…but anyway, I need to be able to go find that mp4, remove it, and re-upload it from the storage area. All of this requires that I must be able to treat my website file and folder system (at least at the media level) exactly like I would treat this data if I were looking through it and managing it with the file manager of Windows 10 or Windows server. So that’s why. And I wish I knew but I don’t….but its hard for me not to believe that others would want to create an internet experience with their website in the same manner as I am doing. Its fun to type, words are absolutely the mind of the human race, but its a media world out there. If you’re not doing things with media, you have no chance. I’m not sure I’m asking to do with my website files in the management sense anything that a whole lot of other people would want to do, if it wasn’t just so complicated. pg
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