Actually, it is pretty simple. You will be able to accomplish the following:
1. Hide the Dashboard from the subscribers view. Only thing visible to subscribers will be their profile.
2. Enable File Upload functionality for Contributers. Your contributors will be able to upload images
3. Hide the dashboard and tools and media menu for all contributers. Your contributers will be able to upload images but will not be able to view or delete any other images.
Here we go:
You need 2 plugins to do this for you. First you need to get the Role Manager plugin and enable “Upload Files” for the contributer level. Then get the WP-Hide Dashboard plugin from, which will hide the dashboard for all subscribers. Most probably you don’t want your contributors to see the Dashboard or Tools or the Media menu. Media menu includes the upload functionality but it is quiet easy to hide. You just have to edit the wp-hidedashboard.php file. Here is an excerpt from the author:
How do I change this to hide the dashboard and tools menu and help options from other roles besides Subscriber?
To hide these from other roles, you will need to edit the plugin in a plain text editor and make the following changes:
Subscriber → Contributor:
Change !current_user_can(‘edit_posts’) to !current_user_can(‘upload_files’)
Subscriber → Author:
Change !current_user_can(‘edit_posts’) to !current_user_can(‘create_users’)
Subscriber → Editor:
Change !current_user_can(‘edit_posts’) to !current_user_can(‘manage_options’)
There are 3 instances of this code in the plugin – make sure you change all of them.
Now, to disable the Media menu which includes the upload options. Search for unset($menu[75]); in wp-hidedashboard.php file and Add unset($menu[10]); after it.
Save and upload and thats it. Now your subscriber or your contributor