So I realized that text fields don’t always sort so well (Especially if the original values are integers or double) So this may be a better option. I added three fields on the settings page that take a csv list of fields. One is for int field, one for double and one for sortable fields. The Code changes for this are:
Code for the “Other Settings” Section of the Settings Page:
**cloud-search/admin/cloud-search-admin-settings.php Line 514 add**
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><label for="acs_schema_fields_int"><?php _e( 'Custom field types INT', ACS::PREFIX ) ?></label></th>
<input type="text" id="acs_schema_fields_int" name="acs_schema_fields_int" value="<?php echo $settings->acs_schema_fields_int ?>" class="big" />
<div class="acs_row_tips">
<span><?php _e( 'Enter Comma Separated List of fields to be converted to INT in CloudSearch.', ACS::PREFIX ) ?></span>
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><label for="acs_schema_fields_double"><?php _e( 'Custom field types Double', ACS::PREFIX ) ?></label></th>
<input type="text" id="acs_schema_fields_double" name="acs_schema_fields_double" value="<?php echo $settings->acs_schema_fields_double ?>" class="big" />
<div class="acs_row_tips">
<span><?php _e( 'Enter Comma Separated List of fields to be converted to Double in CloudSearch.', ACS::PREFIX ) ?></span>
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><label for="acs_schema_fields_sortable"><?php _e( 'Custom field types Sortable', ACS::PREFIX ) ?></label></th>
<input type="text" id="acs_schema_fields_sortable" name="acs_schema_fields_sortable" value="<?php echo $settings->acs_schema_fields_sortable ?>" class="big" />
<div class="acs_row_tips">
<span><?php _e( 'Enter Comma Separated List of fields to be Sortable in CloudSearch.', ACS::PREFIX ) ?></span>
**cloud-search/admin/cloud-search-admin-settings.php Line 665 add**
$settings->acs_schema_fields_int = ( !empty( $_POST[ 'acs_schema_fields_int' ] ) ) ? wp_kses_post( $_POST[ 'acs_schema_fields_int' ] ) : '';
$settings->acs_schema_fields_double = ( !empty( $_POST[ 'acs_schema_fields_double' ] ) ) ? wp_kses_post( $_POST[ 'acs_schema_fields_double' ] ) : '';
$settings->acs_schema_fields_sortable = ( !empty( $_POST[ 'acs_schema_fields_sortable' ] ) ) ? wp_kses_post( $_POST[ 'acs_schema_fields_sortable' ] ) : '';
Code for the Search Schema:
**cloud-search/cloud-search-schema.php Line 261 change function acs_get_custom_index_fields() to:**
function acs_get_custom_index_fields() {
$fields = array();
// Get settings option
$settings = ACS::get_instance()->get_settings();
// Define custom index fields (adding custom fields)
$acs_schema_fields = $settings->acs_schema_fields;
//Get Custom Field Parameters
$acs_int_fields = array_map('trim',str_getcsv($settings->acs_schema_fields_int));
$acs_double_fields = array_map('trim',str_getcsv($settings->acs_schema_fields_double));
$acs_sortable_fields = array_map('trim',str_getcsv($settings->acs_schema_fields_sortable));
if ( ! empty ( $acs_schema_fields ) ) {
// If there are some custom fields
$acs_schema_fields = explode( ACS::SEPARATOR, $acs_schema_fields );
// Loop custom fields
foreach ( $acs_schema_fields as $acs_schema_field ) {
// Replace field slug "-" with "_" due to Amazon CloudSearch valid pattern rule
$acs_schema_field_clean = str_replace( '-', '_', $acs_schema_field );
// Check if Field is INT or Double
if (isset($acs_int_fields) && in_array($acs_schema_field,$acs_int_fields)) {
$acs_option_key_field = 'IntOptions';
} else if (isset($acs_double_fields) && in_array($acs_schema_field,$acs_double_fields)) {
$acs_option_key_field = 'DoubleOptions';
} else {
$acs_option_key_field = 'TextOptions';
// Check if the field is sortable
$acs_sort_enabled_field = (isset($acs_sortable_fields) && in_array($acs_schema_field,$acs_sortable_fields)) ? true : false;
// By default all schema fields are indexed as a text string and they are not enabled for facet, highlight or sort
$fields[ ACS::CUSTOM_FIELD_PREFIX . $acs_schema_field_clean ] = array(
'type' => 'text',
'option_key' => $acs_option_key_field,
'option_value' => array(
'FacetEnabled' => false,
'SearchEnabled' => true,
'ReturnEnabled' => true,
'SortEnabled' => $acs_sort_enabled_field,
'HighlightEnabled' => false,
'AnalysisScheme' => ACS::ANALYSIS_SCHEMA
Code for the Indexer (To Ensure Data Is Valid):
**cloud-search/cloud-search-indexer.php Line 36 change function acs_prepare_document() to:**
function acs_prepare_document( $post, $from_save_transaction = false ) {
try {
// Get settings option
$settings = ACS::get_instance()->get_settings();
// Get author
$post_author = $post->post_author;
$post_author_info = get_userdata($post_author);
$post_author_name = $post_author_info->display_name;
if ( empty( $post_author_name ) ) $post_author_name = '-';
// Get default taxonomies
$taxonomy_category = acs_get_term_list( $post->ID, 'category' );
$taxonomy_tag = acs_get_term_list( $post->ID, 'post_tag' );
// Get custom taxonomies
$taxonomies_custom = array();
$acs_schema_taxonomies = $settings->acs_schema_taxonomies;
if ( ! empty ( $acs_schema_taxonomies ) ) {
// If there are some custom taxonomies
$acs_schema_taxonomies = explode( ACS::SEPARATOR, $acs_schema_taxonomies );
// Loop custom taxonomies
foreach ( $acs_schema_taxonomies as $acs_schema_taxonomy ) {
// Get current post custom taxonomy values
$taxonomy_custom = acs_get_term_list( $post->ID, $acs_schema_taxonomy );
// Replace taxonomy slug "-" with "_" due to Amazon CloudSearch valid pattern rule
$acs_schema_taxonomy_clean = str_replace( '-', '_', $acs_schema_taxonomy );
$taxonomies_custom[ ACS::CUSTOM_TAXONOMY_PREFIX . $acs_schema_taxonomy_clean ] = $taxonomy_custom;
// Get custom fields
$fields_custom = array();
$acs_schema_fields = $settings->acs_schema_fields;
//Get Custom Field Parameters
$acs_int_fields = array_map('trim',str_getcsv($settings->acs_schema_fields_int));
$acs_double_fields = array_map('trim',str_getcsv($settings->acs_schema_fields_double));
if ( ! empty ( $acs_schema_fields ) ) {
// If there are some custom fields
$acs_schema_fields = explode( ACS::SEPARATOR, $acs_schema_fields );
// Loop custom fields
foreach ( $acs_schema_fields as $acs_schema_field ) {
// Get current post custom field values
if ( $from_save_transaction && isset( $_POST[ $acs_schema_field ] ) ) {
// Read from request POST
$field_custom = $_POST[ $acs_schema_field ];
else {
// Read from post meta
$field_custom = get_post_meta( $post->ID, $acs_schema_field, true );
// Verfy & Convert INT and Double Fields
if (isset($acs_int_fields) && in_array($acs_schema_field,$acs_int_fields)) {
$field_custom = intval($field_custom);
} else if (isset($acs_double_fields) && in_array($acs_schema_field,$acs_double_fields)) {
$field_custom = doubleval($field_custom);
// Replace field slug "-" with "_" due to Amazon CloudSearch valid pattern rule
$acs_schema_field_clean = str_replace( '-', '_', $acs_schema_field );
if ( ! empty( $field_custom ) ) $fields_custom[ ACS::CUSTOM_FIELD_PREFIX . $acs_schema_field_clean ] = $field_custom;
$post_image = '';
if ( ! empty( $settings->acs_schema_fields_custom_image_id ) && is_plugin_active( 'multiple-post-thumbnails/multi-post-thumbnails.php' ) ) {
// Retrieve post image from "Multiple Post Thumbnails" plugin if a image id is provided and plugin is active
$post_image = MultiPostThumbnails::get_post_thumbnail_url( $post->post_type, $settings->acs_schema_fields_custom_image_id, $post->ID );
else if ( ! empty( $settings->acs_schema_fields_image_size ) ) {
// Retrieve post image if a image size name is provided
$image_object = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), $settings->acs_schema_fields_image_size );
if ( ! empty( $image_object ) && ! empty( $image_object[0] ) && $image_object[0] != '' ) {
// Found image, use it
$post_image = $image_object[0];
// Prepare fields array (merging default fields and custom fields/taxonomies
$fields = array(
'site_id' => acs_get_site_id(),
'blog_id'=> acs_get_blog_id(),
'id' => $post->ID,
'post_type' => $post->post_type,
'post_status' => $post->post_status,
'post_format' => get_post_format( $post->ID ),
'post_title' => $post->post_title,
'post_content' => $post->post_content,
'post_excerpt' => $post->post_excerpt,
'post_url' => get_permalink($post->ID),
'post_image' => $post_image,
'post_date' => strtotime( $post->post_date ),
'post_date_gmt' => strtotime( $post->post_date_gmt ),
'post_modified' => strtotime( $post->post_modified ),
'post_modified_gmt' => strtotime( $post->post_modified_gmt ),
'post_author' => $post_author,
'post_author_name' => $post_author_name,
'category' => $taxonomy_category,
'tag' => $taxonomy_tag
if ( ! empty( $taxonomies_custom ) ) $fields = array_merge( $fields, $taxonomies_custom );
if ( ! empty( $fields_custom ) ) $fields = array_merge( $fields, $fields_custom );
// Manipulate standard fields (in your sub-theme add a filter "cloud_search_<POST_TYPE>_fields" that adds all necessary fields of your theme)
$fields = apply_filters( "cloud_search_{$post->post_type}_fields", $fields, $post, $from_save_transaction );
// Prepare doc object
$doc = array(
'type' => 'add',
'id' => acs_get_document_key( $post->ID ),
'fields' => $fields
return $doc;
catch ( \Exception $e ) {
return null;
I could add the other field types (Double Array, Int Array, Date, ect.) if you want but This is all I needed so Unless you wanted me to do it I did not see the point.
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by