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  • I have the same identical issue.
    I am running WordPress 2.7.1

    Please help

    This is my plugin:

    Plugin Name: Google Adsense for Feeds
    Plugin URI:
    Description: This puts Google RSS Ads in your feed, make sure you fill in your publisher ID by editing the plugin file.
    Author: Matt Mullenweg
    Version: 1.1
    Author URI:
    $publisher = 'pub-8063102567425606';
    add_filter('the_content', 'adsense_for_feeds');
    function adsense_for_feeds( $content ) {
    	global $post, $id;
    	$blog_key = substr( md5( get_bloginfo('url') ), 0, 16 );
    	if ( ! is_feed() ) return $content;
    	$content = $content . "<p><map name='google_ad_map_{$id}_$blog_key'>
    <area shape='rect' href='$id?pos=0' coords='1,2,367,28' />
    <area shape='rect' href='' coords='384,10,453,23'/></map>
    <img usemap='#google_ad_map_{$id}_$blog_key' border='0' src='$publisher&channel=&output=png&cuid=$id&url= " . urlencode( get_permalink() ) . "' /></p>";
    	return $content;

    As you can see if you click on the RSS link ( you can see the posts and the ads. Fine.

    But if you subscribe to the feed you don’t see the advertisements anymore. I have tried with Outlook 2007 and with Opera.

    Any suggestions?
    Please help

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