To: esmi
Url for “stripmail”
I am confused about how to find element in PHP file which is responsible for generating data. In my case i want to remove from google calendar widget two elements. for instance:
From here:
Thursday, 30 April 2009
* International Day * Korea
remove this:
9:00 AM by David Kadagishvili
Korean cuisine as a national cuisine known today has evolved through centuries o
I went over this code and removed each element at time. Spent hours on it and still could not find solution.
Widget Functions
function widgetWPNGCalendarInit() {
if(!function_exists('register_sidebar_widget')) { return; }
function widgetWPNGCalendar($args) {
if(!$options = get_option('wpng_cal_widget_options')) {
$options = array('wpng_cal_widget_list_size' => 5, 'wpng_cal_widget_title' => 'Upcoming Events');
echo $before_widget . $before_title . $options['wpng_cal_widget_title'] . $after_title;
<div id="wpng-cal-widget-events" style="display:none;"></div>
<div id="wpng-cal-load-widget" class="wpng-cal-loading">
<img class="wpng-cal-image" src='<?php bloginfo('wpurl') ?>/wp-content/plugins/wpng-calendar/images/loading_large.gif' alt="Loading" />
<script type="text/javascript">
widgetListSize = <?php echo($options['wpng_cal_widget_list_size']) ?>;
echo $after_widget;
function widgetWPNGCalendarOptions()
if(!$options = get_option('wpng_cal_widget_options')) {
$options = array('wpng_cal_widget_list_size' => 5, 'wpng_cal_widget_title' => 'Upcoming Events');
if($_POST['updateWPNGWidgetSettings']) {
$options = array('wpng_cal_widget_list_size' => $_POST['evnt_cnt'], 'wpng_cal_widget_title' => $_POST['evnt_list_title']);
update_option('wpng_cal_widget_options', $options);
echo '<p>Sidebar title:<input type="text" name="evnt_list_title" value="'.$options['wpng_cal_widget_title'].'" id="evnt_list_title" /></p>';
echo '<p>Number of events to show:<input type="text" name="evnt_cnt" value="'.$options['wpng_cal_widget_list_size'].'" id="evnt_cnt" /></p>';
echo '<input type="hidden" id="updateWPNGWidgetSettings" name="updateWPNGWidgetSettings" value="1" />';
register_sidebar_widget('WPNG Calendar','widgetWPNGCalendar');
register_widget_control('WPNG Calendar','widgetWPNGCalendarOptions', 200, 200);
which elements are responsible for it?
In firebug how do you find javascript responsible for generating data? I know how to find css, html and edit them. My problem is figuring out which javascript is in charge for generating element.
I wish there are more tutorials about firebug. Video tutorials ??