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  • We launched our T-Shirt website a couple of weeks ago using the eShop plugin – it’s been great, exactly what we needed and wanted out of a ecommerce plugin for wordpress.

    Description: T-Shirts for Music Fans and DJ’s.

    Hi Martinlucas,

    I understand that e-shop does not allow grid view on a page.
    I saw yours and it looks like you manage to do so. Since I’m new in this business would you tell me how to present a grid view page with the prodcuts through the e-shop plugin?

    Anonymous User


    you understand incorrectly, look at the ‘panels’ option for shortcodes.



    I’m loving this plug-in. I started with WP-commerce and ended up deleting it because it wasn’t as user friendly as shop.

    I hope you can help. I’m confused because I’m new and I don’t know anything about shortcodes. I would like a page/post with a gridview with pictures of my products where if you click on the pictures-it goes to the product page.

    I see the help section and the short codes that look like this[ ], I’m just not sure how I get these to work. (I do know a little html)

    Thanks for the hand-holding. I’m trying to learn so if you can recommend a website that would be great too.

    Anonymous User


    try using something like this:
    [eshop_list_new panels='yes']



    Thanks-that’s what I was looking for! Thanks for getting back to me so fast!!!



    You have been so helpful! Is there a place to make a donation?

    I would love a panel or grid view of one of each item from a particular category (or just a picture that is linked to a page) and then clicking on that category would take you to a page of all that same type of product. Is that possible?

    For instance-I sell vintage sewing patterns so the main shopping page would have a picture for women’s, mens, children’s and crafts. Then clicking on that picture would take then to a page with listings like you would get with a search for women’s.

    Is there short code for a search for all women’s patterns (“women’s” is a category) that I could paste into one of the pages? Make a page for each, womenss, mens, childrens ,and then link the pictures to that page.(I know how to link the pictures)

    Am I making any sense?

    I tried making departments as children of pages-but all the sub-pages show up when you hover over it and this looks terrible. Any way to publish but hide the individual pages. This would be another option for me.




    Or can I display using the category with shortcodes? On a page?

    Anonymous User


    donation link on this page:

    Category panel view – not something I have coded specifically for, you could try using the featured products, but that will take you to their page.

    If you are using posts, then tags are ideal for that, if you using pages however… But you could look at using a plugin to add tags to pages, then use that functionality.

    There is an option to hise sub pages until you are in that section, check the settings page.

    not sure what you mean by that last question.



    Thanks, I ended up just using html in a sidebar widget that uses the search function for different categories. I’m happy with it! Now to set up the back end paypal stuff ??
    Thanks again.

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