• I had been looking for a GDPR solution for 5 relatively small WP sites ever since the new GDPR came into effect. As the new privacy laws are fairly strict and site visitors expect at least some form of compliancy I was looking for a tool that would deal with these issues without me having to spend a small fortune on lawyers. The only plugin that covers the new GDPR and generates a disclaimer, a privacy statement and a cookie policy is Complainz GDPR. As an interesting bonus it actually blocks third party cookies if you don’t consent to them. The free version may be just enough for your needs but in my case I opted for the €99 premium version since it includes the disclaimer and privacy statement as well. A small price to pay in comparison to the €750 my lawyer would charge.

    I needed a bit of help to correctly fill in some preliminary forms and this was dealt with promptly upon first request by one of the support guys. As it turned out the developer is the same guy behind Really Simple SSL, one of the best plug-ins (if not the best) to encrypt traffic to your WP-site.

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