Hello Keith,
Thanks for reaching out to me here! There could be another script preventing the execution of subsequent scripts, or there could be a PHP error–which can be caused by anything–that prevents the output of our scripts.
To test the PHP error, go to the page where the tooltip should be shown, and view the page’s source. If you can’t find a closing HTML tag at the very end of the source, there’s a PHP error.
To test the JavaScript error, open the browser’s developer tools (F12 on Windows), and see if there are any errors. Note that PHP errors might cause extraneous JavaScript errors, thanks to absent resources.
PHP debugging
When you’ve found it’s a PHP error, please consult the WordPress debugging guide, specifically the WP_DEBUG
When debugging is enabled via WP_DEBUG
, you should see the error pop up. This might not be very useful to non-developers, but you can roughly see what plugin or theme folder might’ve caused this.
If you wish to know more on the debugging output, I kindly suggest replying to my mail with what you’ve found. It may reveal information you’d rather have undisclosed.
Debugging JavaScript
When you’ve found it’s a scripting error, you should see the file name at the right-hand of your screen in the developer tools. Hovering over the file name will reveal its path, and thus the conflicting plugin or theme.
If you’ve found it’s an issue with TSF’ script, please make a screenshot of what you’ve found. I believe it should be safe to post here, but replying to my mail is fine too if you feel more confident in doing so.
I hope this helps!