@cdegraff1 – I’m in this boat as well. But as a plugin dev I warned of these issues over a year ago, honestly if it wasn’t for lack of time & decent alternatives I would found something else long ago.
Please tell your devs to set up some test servers, run there own upgrade routines, we never are able to update via auto updates. We have to update the core plugin, than manually upload the pro each time. Terrible and only an issue due to the version number match requirement you guys added that isn’t needed.
Further have now had our settings wiped out twice in the last year during updates as well.
My patience is running out, and I have a lot of patience (4 tickets at least) with the pro version.
Get it cleaned up, and DO NOT release another version that isn’t absolutely necessary until they have worked out the ability to update each plugin separately. Otherwise, you are just gonna keep seeing massive numbers of 1-star reviews.