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  • Anonymous User 9105421


    If its no longer there then it probably is dropped.

    But i guess you can get the same result by using the blockquote button (with the two upside down comma) to “blockquote” your related links section and then use the bulleted list button (standard its to the right of the blockquote button) on the links to change them in a list of links with the bullets in front of them. Then you still should get the same result. You would need to check what style you need for the bulleted list: default, circle, disc or square.

    ---> blockquote ---> 
    Related links: 
    ---> buletted list ---> 
    related link 1
    related link 2
    related link 3
    related link 4
    <--- / buletted list <--- 
    <--- / blockquote <--- 
    Thread Starter Rodrigo


    In this scheme you passed I could not do the same result. It was different:

    No problem I use another model. But there should be a way to change the new template I create for all existing posts on the site. That would make them all the same.


    Anonymous User 9105421


    Then the old template must have used extra styling.

    Compare in the editor in “text mode” how the code of your old related links section looks.

    The code of the section by using the “blockquote” and the “buletted list” buttons looks (for me) in “text mode” like:

    <blockquote>Related Links:
     	<li>Related Link 1</li>
     	<li>Related Link 2</li>

    Maybe your old one has some styling or is it wrapped in a “div” or “span”. Can you post the code that you see in the editor?

    Thread Starter Rodrigo


    See screen captures of both models (old and new): /

    The former added one more class. This class is not yours?

    Thread Starter Rodrigo


    <blockquote class="td_quote_box td_box_center">
    <h4>Veja também:</h4>
     	<li><strong>Related Link 1</strong></li>
     	<li><strong>Related Link 2</strong></li>
     	<li><strong>Related Link 3</strong></li>
    <h4>Veja também:</h4>
     	<li><strong>Related Link 1</strong></li>
     	<li><strong>Related Link 2</strong></li>
     	<li><strong>Related Link 3</strong></li>
    Anonymous User 9105421


    Looks like you then can make the “new” look the same as your old related links by manually adding the class="td_quote_box td_box_center" to the <blockquote> in the editor while in “text-mode”. The other things like “header 4” and “strong” can be done with the buttons in the visual editor.

    Other option could be to edit the “style.css” of your theme to make the “blockquote” style match the “td_quote_box” and “td_box_center” classes.

    Thread Starter Rodrigo


    Yes, I just add class="td_quote_box td_box_center" to the <blockquote> and that will work. But I have to do this manually.

    How would that be the case with style css?
    What do I create in the css, I’ll have to manually add the class="td_quote_box td_box_center" to the <blockquote> in the same way. It will not change anything.

    Anonymous User 9105421


    Try add to your “style.css”:

    wp-content > themes > Newspaper-child > style.css

    .td-container blockquote{
    	border-color: #c28100;


    	border-color: #c28100;

    You can use a text editor to edit the .css file, i prefer Notepad++. Then upload the edited style.css to your server:

    wp-content > themes > Newspaper-child >

    Then clear your browser cache and see if now your “new” related links section looks like the old one without having to add the class="td_quote_box td_box_center".

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