• Resolved ketshi


    Problem number 2 for me. How can I get my 4 ads made with MyAdManager next to each other?

    I used this as the css code for it:

    /* myadmanager_ads */
    .groupads {
    .myadmanager_ads {
    padding:5px 30px 0 0;
    .myadmanager_ads img {

    Nothing helps. I think I’ve tried everything.

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Thread Starter ketshi


    Oh, and I want them centered. Help! I’m desperate…

    Thread Starter ketshi


    Oops, forgot to add my website.


    Thread Starter ketshi


    I’m spamming my own topic.

    Just to make clear. When I make the padding just 25px it’s all fine. But I want more space between the adds. Margin doesn’t work.

    /* myadmanager_ads */
    .groupads {
    .myadmanager_ads {
    padding:0 25px 0 0;
    .myadmanager_ads img {

    Plugin Name: MyAdManager
    Plugin URI: https://www.visionmasterdesigns.com/wordpress-plugins/myadmanager/
    Description: Manages 200×175 ads automatically. Also allows the ability to add new ads and make them live on the confirmation of payment from paypal.
    Author: Michael
    Version: 0.9.3
    Author URI: https://www.visionmasterdesigns.com

    Copyright 2008 Michael Benedict Arul. Vision Master Designs

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/&gt;.

    require_once(dirname(__FILE__).’/myadmanager-class.php’ );
    define(‘WP_MYADMANAGER_URL’, get_option(‘siteurl’) . ‘/wp-content/plugins/myadmanager’);
    define(‘WP_ABS_MYADMANAGER_URL’, ABSPATH. ‘/wp-content/plugins/myadmanager’);

    add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘myadmanager_add_pages’);
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘myadmanager_startWidget’ );

    myadmanager_startWidget() @ v0.9.1
    Adds a simple widget.

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_startWidget()
    if ( function_exists( ‘register_sidebar_widget’ ) )
    function widget_myadmanager( $args )
    $before_widget = ”;
    $before_title = ”;
    $after_title = ”;
    $after_widget = ”;

    if ( is_array( $args ) )
    if ( array_key_exists( ‘before_widget’, $args ) )
    $before_widget = $args[‘before_widget’];
    if ( array_key_exists( ‘before_title’, $args ) )
    $before_title = $args[‘before_title’];
    if ( array_key_exists( ‘after_title’, $args ) )
    $after_title = $args[‘after_title’];
    if ( array_key_exists( ‘after_widget’, $args ) )
    $after_widget = $args[‘after_widget’];
    $title = get_option(“myadmanager_widget_title”);
    echo $before_widget;
    echo $before_title. “$title” . $after_title;
    if ( function_exists(‘myadmanager_show’ ) )
    echo $after_widget;

    register_sidebar_widget( ‘MyADManager’, ‘widget_myadmanager’ );

    function widget_myadmanager_control( )
    if ( $_POST[‘myadmanager-widget-submit’] ) {
    echo ‘<p style=”text-align:left;”><label for=”get_recent_comments-title”>Title:</label> <input style=”width: 200px;” id=”myadmanager-widget-title” name=”myadmanager-widget-title” type=”text” value=”‘.get_option(“myadmanager_widget_title”).'” />

    Please Enter the title of this Widget.</p>’;
    echo ‘<input type=”hidden” id=”myadmanager-widget-submit” name=”myadmanager-widget-submit” value=”1″ />’;
    register_widget_control( ‘MyADManager’, ‘widget_myadmanager_control’, 210, 100 );

    Add Pages, to wordpress admin

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_add_pages() {
    add_menu_page(‘MyAdManager’, ‘MyAdManager’, 8, __FILE__, ‘myadmanager_manage_page’);
    add_submenu_page(__FILE__, ‘MyAdManager Options’, ‘MyAdManager Options’, 8, ‘options’, ‘myadmanager_options_page’);
    add_submenu_page(__FILE__, ‘Transaction Log’, ‘Transaction Log’, 8, ‘transacs’, ‘myadmanager_transac_page’);

    function myadmanager_transac_page() {
    global $wpdb;
    $ads = new myAds();
    if($_POST[‘hidden_form_transactions’]==’Y’) {

    if($_POST[‘delete’]) {
    foreach($_POST[‘transactions’] as $i) {
    echo ‘<div class=”updated” style=”color:red;”><p>Deleted</p></div>’;

    $transacs = $ads->getTransactions(“ORDER BY id DESC”);
    echo “<div class=\”wrap\”><h2>” . __( ‘Transaction Log’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) . “</h2>”;
    <form name=”form_transactions” method=”post” action=”<?php echo str_replace( ‘%7E’, ‘~’, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); ?>”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”hidden_form_transactions” value=”Y”>
    echo ‘<table width=”100%” class=”widefat”><thead><th scope=”col”>id</th><th scope=”col”>First Name</th><th scope=”col” >Last Name</th><th scope=”col” width=”200″ >Email</th><th scope=”col” >Item Name</th><th scope=”col” >Amount</th><th scope=”col”>Payment Date</th><th scope=”col”>Ad Name</th><th scope=”col”>Website</th><th scope=”col”>Action</th></thead>’;
    echo “<tr><td colspan=\”10\” align=\”center\”>No Logs Collected Yet</td></tr>”;
    foreach($transacs as $t) {
    echo “<tr>
    <td>$ $t->gross</td>
    <td><input type=\”checkbox\” name=\”transactions[]\” id=\”transactions[]\” value=\”$t->id\” /></td>
    echo “</table>”;
    <p class=”submit”>
    <input type=”submit” name=”delete” value=”Delete Transactions” />
    <?php show_donate(); ?>
    <?php echo show_footer(); ?>

    Basic Options are defined here

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_options_page() {
    global $wpdb;
    $ads = new myAds();
    // variables for the field and option names
    $hidden_field_name_form1 = ‘mt_submit_hidden1’;

    // Read in existing option value from database
    $ads_v = $ads->getRegionOption(“ad_v”);
    $ads_h = $ads->getRegionOption(“ad_h”);
    $e_margin = $ads->getRegionOption(“margin”);
    $e_margin_array = explode(‘,’,$e_margin);
    $paypal_add = get_option(“myadmanager_paypal_add”);
    $paypal_return_page = get_option(“myadmanager_paypal_return_page”);
    $cost_week = get_option(“myadmanager_cost_week”);
    $cost_month = get_option(“myadmanager_cost_month”);
    $name_week = get_option(“myadmanager_name_week”);
    $name_month = get_option(“myadmanager_name_month”);
    $paypal_enable = get_option(“myadmanager_paypal_enable”);
    $week_option = get_option(“myadmanager_week_enable”);
    $paypal_email_msg = get_option(“myadmanager_paypal_email_msg”);

    // See if the user has posted us some information
    // If they did, this hidden field will be set to ‘Y’
    if( $_POST[ $hidden_field_name_form1 ] == ‘Y’ ) {
    // Read their posted value

    $paypal_enable = $_POST[‘paypal_enable’];
    $week_option = $_POST[‘week_option’];
    $ads_h = $_POST[“ads_h”];
    $ads_v = $_POST[“ads_v”];
    $e_margin = $_POST[“e_margin”];
    $e_margin_array = explode(‘,’,$e_margin);

    $cost_month = $_POST[‘cost_month’];
    $name_month = $_POST[‘name_month’];

    // Save the posted value in the database

    if ($paypal_enable != “checked” || get_option(“myadmanager_paypal_enable”) == “checked”) {
    if ($paypal_enable == “checked”) {
    $paypal_add = $_POST[‘paypal_add’];
    $paypal_return_page = $_POST[‘paypal_return_page’];
    $paypal_email_msg= $_POST[‘paypal_email_msg’];

    if ($week_option != “checked” || get_option(“myadmanager_week_enable”) == “checked”) {
    if ($week_option == “checked”) {
    $name_week = $_POST[‘name_week’];
    $cost_week = $_POST[‘cost_week’];


    <div class=”updated”><p><?php _e(‘Settings Updated.’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?></p></div>
    echo ‘<div class=”wrap”>’;

    <form name=”form1″ method=”post” action=”<?php echo str_replace( ‘%7E’, ‘~’, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); ?>”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”<?php echo $hidden_field_name_form1; ?>” value=”Y”>
    <?php echo “<h2>” . __( ‘Primary Settings’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) . “</h2>”; ?>
    <table class=”form-table”>
    <tr><th scope=”row” width=”15%”><?php _e(“No of Horizontal Ads :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”ads_h” value=”<?php echo $ads_h; ?>” size=”5″>
    How many ads to display horizontally</td>
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“No of Vertical Ads :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”ads_v” value=”<?php echo $ads_v; ?>” size=”5″>
    How many ads to display vertically</td>
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“Margin around Each AD :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”e_margin” name=”e_margin” value=”<?php echo $e_margin; ?>” size=”5″>
    Margin around Each AD. Eg: <?php echo $e_margin; ?> = <?php echo $e_margin_array[0]; ?>px top, <?php echo $e_margin_array[1]; ?>px right, <?php echo $e_margin_array[2]; ?>px bottom, <?php echo $e_margin_array[3]; ?>px left.</td>
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“Item Name for 1month :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”name_month” value=”<?php echo $name_month; ?>” size=”20″>
    Enter the text, which will be displayed in your Buy AD form
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“Cost per AD for 1month :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    $ <input type=”text” name=”cost_month” value=”<?php echo $cost_month; ?>” size=”5″>
    Enter the amount per ad for a period of 1 month.
    <tr><th scope=”row”><?php _e(“Enable 7day Payment Option :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?></th><td>
    <input type=”checkbox” name=”week_option” value=”checked” <?php echo $week_option; ?>>
    If you enable this, you can sell your ads for a period of 7 days as well.
    <?php if($week_option == “checked”) { ?>
    <span style=”color:#259819″>7 Day Options are ENABLED
    <?php } else { echo ‘<span style=”color:#FF0000″>7 Day Options are DISABLED</span>’; } ?>
    <?php if($week_option == “checked”) { ?>
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“Item Name for 1week :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”name_week” value=”<?php echo $name_week; ?>” size=”20″>
    Enter the text, which will be displayed in your Buy AD form.
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“Cost per AD for 1week :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    $ <input type=”text” name=”cost_week” value=”<?php echo $cost_week; ?>” size=”5″>
    Enter the amount per ad for a period of 1 week.
    <?php } ?>

    <?php echo “<h2>” . __( ‘Buy AD form Settings’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) . “</h2>”; ?>
    <table class=”form-table”>
    <tr><th scope=”row”><?php _e(“Enable Paypal payment form :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?></th><td>
    <input type=”checkbox” name=”paypal_enable” value=”checked” <?php echo $paypal_enable; ?>>
    If you enable this, MyAdManager will automatically manage your ads.
    New ads will be added automatically on realization of payment from PayPal.
    <?php if($paypal_enable == “checked”) { ?>
    <span style=”color:#259819″>Buy AD Form is ENABLED
    To include the Buy AD Form, just add [myadmanager_show_form] in any of your wordpress post or page.</span>
    <tr><th scope=”row” width=”15%”><?php _e(“Your Paypal email address:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”paypal_add” value=”<?php echo $paypal_add; ?>” size=”20″>
    Enter your paypal email address where you wish to recieve payments.</td>
    <tr><th scope=”row” width=”15%”><?php _e(“Return Page after Successful Payment:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”paypal_return_page” value=”<?php echo $paypal_return_page; ?>” size=”20″>
    This is where the customer will land on, after successful payment. If no page is specified here, a defaut Thank you message will be displayed.
    <?php if($paypal_return_page == “”) { ?>
    <span style=”color:#FF0000″>Currently, there is no return address specified, so the default Thank You message will be displayed on realization of successful payment from paypal.</span>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <span style=”color:#259819″>Customer will be redirected to <?php echo $paypal_return_page ?> after successful payment. </span>
    <?php } ?>
    <tr><th scope=”row” width=”15%”><?php _e(“Email Message to your Customer after Successful Payment:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <textarea name=”paypal_email_msg” cols=”60″ rows=”5″><?php echo $paypal_email_msg; ?></textarea>

    Enter the message you wish your customer to recieve when he has bought the ad.
    <?php } else { echo ‘<span style=”color:#FF0000″>Buy AD Form is DISABLED</span>’; } ?>
    <p class=”submit”>
    <input type=”submit” name=”Submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Update Options’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) ?>” />
    <?php show_donate(); ?>
    <?php echo show_footer(); ?>


    Ads are managed from this function.
    +Managing ads i.e Delete, Activate and De-Activate
    +Adding New Ads

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_manage_page() {

    //define globals
    $ads = new myAds();
    global $wpdb;

    $hidden_manage_form = ‘form_manage_ads’;

    if( $_POST[$hidden_manage_form] == ‘Y’ ) {

    if($_POST[‘Active’]) {
    foreach($_POST[‘ads’] as $i) {
    echo ‘<div class=”updated”><p>Activated</p></div>’;
    if($_POST[‘Inactive’]) {
    foreach($_POST[‘ads’] as $i) {
    echo ‘<div class=”updated”><p>De-Activated</p></div>’;

    if($_POST[‘Delete’]) {
    foreach($_POST[‘ads’] as $i) {
    echo ‘<div class=”updated” style=”color:red;”><p>Deleted</p></div>’;


    $hidden_manage_form_ad_add = ‘form_add_ads’;

    if( $_POST[$hidden_manage_form_ad_add] == ‘Y’ ) {

    $today = date(“Y-m-d”);
    $end = dateShift($today,$duration);

    if($type==1 && ((count($ads->getAds(1,”WHERE NOW()<end_date AND type=1 AND active=1″)))>=$ads->getRegionOption(“ad_total”)))
    echo ‘<div class=”updated” style=”color:red;”><p>You can`t Add more Ads outside, since your slots are full</p></div>’;
    else {
    $sql = “INSERT INTO “.$ads->myAds_table.” VALUES (NULL,’1′,’1′,’$ad_name’,’$ad_alt_text’,’$imagelink’,’$hyperlink’,’$today’,’$end’,’1′,’$type’);”;
    if($wpdb->query ( $sql ))
    echo ‘<div class=”updated”><p>Ad Added</p></div>’;
    echo ‘<div class=”updated” style=”color:red;”><p>Ad Not Added</p></div>’;

    echo “<div class=\”wrap\”><h2>” . __( ‘Manage Ads’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) . “</h2>”;

    <form name=”form_manage_form” method=”post” action=”<?php echo str_replace( ‘%7E’, ‘~’, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); ?>”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”<?php echo $hidden_manage_form; ?>” value=”Y”>

    <table width=”815″ class=”widefat”><thead><th scope=”col”>id</th><th scope=”col” >Ad Name</th><th scope=”col” width=”300″ >Link</th><th scope=”col” >Start date</th><th scope=”col” >End Date</th><th scope=”col”>Days Left</th><th scope=”col”>Active</th><th scope=”col”>Type of Ad</th><th scope=”col”>Actions</th></thead>
    $showadsarray = $ads->getAds(1,”ORDER BY type,id DESC”);
    if(count($showadsarray) == 0)
    echo “<tr><td colspan=\”8\” align=\”center\”>No Ads to Display</td></tr>”;
    else {
    foreach($showadsarray as $showads) {

    if($showads->type==0) {
    $type = “Home”;

    if($showads->type ==1) {
    $type = “Outside”;

    if($showads->active==0) {
    $style = ‘style=”background-color:#efefef;”‘;
    $active = “No”;

    if($showads->active ==1) {
    $style = ‘””‘;
    $active = “Yes”;

    $d = dateDiff(date(“Y-m-d”),$showads->end_date);
    echo “<tr id=$showads->id $style>
    <td>hyperlink\” rel=\”nofollow\”><img src=\”$showads->imagelink\” alt=\”$showads->ad_alt_text\” width=\”200\” height=\”175\”></td>
    <td><input type=\”checkbox\” name=\”ads[]\” id=\”ads[]\” value=\”$showads->id\” /></td>

    <p class=”submit”>
    <input type=”submit” name=”Delete” value=”Delete Ads” />
    <input type=”submit” name=”Active” value=”Activate Ads”/>
    <input type=”submit” name=”Inactive” value=”De-Activate Ads” />

    <h2><?php _e( ‘Add Ad’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ );?></h2>
    <form name=”form_manage_form” method=”post” action=”<?php echo str_replace( ‘%7E’, ‘~’, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); ?>”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”<?php echo $hidden_manage_form_ad_add; ?>” value=”Y”>
    <table class=”form-table”>
    <td width=”15%”><?php _e(“AD-Name:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><input type=”text” name=”ad_name” value=”” size=”20″>
    Enter the advertisement name.</td>
    <td width=”15%”><?php _e(“ALT for AD-Image:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><input type=”text” name=”ad_alt_text” value=”” size=”20″>
    Enter the image alt text.</td>
    <td><?php _e(“URL of AD-Image:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><input type=”text” name=”imagelink” value=”https://&#8221; size=”20″>
    Enter the url to the image. The image has to be 200×175 px, if not it will be resized</td>
    <td><?php _e(“Target URL:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><input type=”text” name=”hyperlink” value=”https://&#8221; size=”20″>
    Enter the link you want the image to point to.</td>
    <td><?php _e(“Duration:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><select name=”duration”><option value=”7″>A week</option><option value=”30″>A Month</option></select>
    Select the duration for the ad to be active.
    Home Ads don`t have any duration, they will always be available whenever required.</td>
    <td><?php _e(“Type of Ad:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><select name=”type”><option value=”0″>Home</option><option value=”1″>Outside</option></select>
    Enter the type of ad it is.
    Home : Your website’s own ads. Internal Ads.
    Outside : External Ads.</td>
    <p class=”submit”>
    <input type=”submit” name=”Submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Add Ad’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) ?>” />

    <?php show_donate(); ?>
    <?php echo show_footer(); ?>

    Displays ads in the template

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_show() {
    $ads = new myAds();

    $max = $ads->getRegionOption(“ad_total”);

    $adsarray = $ads->getAds(1,”WHERE NOW()<end_date AND type=1 AND active=1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $max”);

    $limit = $max – count($adsarray);
    <!– MyAdManager Plugin Starts !–>
    <div class=”groupads” style=”width:800px;”>
    foreach( $adsarray as $ad ) {
    if($ad->ad_alt_text = “”)
    $ad->ad_alt_text = $ad->ad_name;

    echo “<div class=’myadmanager_ads’>hyperlink\” title=\”$ad->ad_alt_text\” rel=\”nofollow\”><img src=\”$ad->imagelink\” alt=\”$ad->ad_alt_text\” width=\”200\” height=\”175\”></div>”;

    $adsarray = $ads->getAds(1,”WHERE type=0 AND active=1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $limit”);
    foreach( $adsarray as $ad ) {
    echo “<div class=’myadmanager_ads’>hyperlink\” title=\”$ad->ad_alt_text\” rel=\”nofollow\”><img src=\”$ad->imagelink\” alt=\”$ad->ad_alt_text\” width=\”200\” height=\”175\”></div>”;
    } ?>
    <div align=”center”></div>
    <!– MyAdManager Plugin Ends !–>


    Adds the CSS file to the head section of the blog

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_add_css_styles() {
    $ads = new myAds();

    $margin = $ads->getRegionOption(“margin”);
    $margin_array = explode(‘,’,$margin);

    echo'<!– MyAdManager Header Starts !–>’;
    echo ‘<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”‘.WP_MYADMANAGER_URL.’/myadmanager.css” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />’;
    echo “<style type=\”text/css\”>
    .myadmanager_ads {float: left; height:200px; width:175px; margin:$margin_array[0]px $margin_array[1]px $margin_array[2]px $margin_array[3]px;}
    echo'<!– MyAdManager Header Ends !–>’;

    For creating tables in the database. Basic Installer

    @package MyAdManger
    function _install() {

    [myadmanager_show_form] will display the form in any page

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_show_form() {
    $ads = new myAds();
    return $ads->show_form();

    add_shortcode(‘myadmanager_show_form’, ‘myadmanager_show_form’);


    Is there a fix to this issue?
    I think Michael is working on a later version and will have all this fixed by then.
    So keep eye out.
    CHEERS ??

    Go to Control Panel > MyAdManager Options > and in the Primary Settings look for ‘No of Horizontal Ads’ and type in ‘2’ in the box (How many ads to display horizontally).

    Hopefully that works
    CHEERS ??

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