Your monitoring of this feedback forum is very cool. Thanks.
Of course, a major update to benefit users is a welcome thing. And problems can happen in the best of circumstances.
My personal opinion, some of the angst over this update having so many problems goes back to the pricing structure of Social Warfare. It’s always felt, to me anyway, that this dev had a price point that it wanted to charge and was looking for features to support that price point.
At the end of the day, it’s $2+ dollars per month, per site, to be able to resize your social share buttons and change their color. The other aspects of Social Warfare, like the Pinterest support, are nice but then, when a user puts all of its eggs into the Social Warfare basket, and there’s a problem with the plugin, you lose click to tweet you lose open graph support, your hidden Pinterest pin. Your site effectively breaks.
I wish Social Warfare would have a more flexible pricing structure with features that are not all-in-one only. The reaction to this update I think would be different if users didn’t feel they had no choice but to pay $29 a year, and up, with little pricing break for multiple sites, and no renewal discount, for something as simple as having buttons to click on to get shares registered.