• I’ve been running a site for a while now, with two separate WordPress installs for two separate purposes. An example would be one solely for political issues and the like, the second would be a more community driven purpose, such as book and movie reviews, and other recommendations.

    I’m about to ‘re-invent’ the purpose of the sites for various reasons with several of my fellow members.

    What I’m wondering is if there is a method to use both WordPresses with a single user … thing. Not sure what to call it. What I mean is if you register on one, it will carry over to the second WP as well.

    Also; Is it possible to do the same for other software? Like vBulletin forums or Coppermine Image gallery?

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  • From someone else’s forum post:

    Put them both in the same database with different prefixes. Then choose one of them to be the master user table. Then do this in both wp-config.php files:


    Replace the wp_ with the prefix you want, obviously.

    Thread Starter ragebuddha


    Awesome. That helps me a lot.

    I’ve been googling all day as well, and I keep seeing links to plugins that bridge accounts from Coppermine and WordPress, but all of them seem to 404.

    So it would seem that it is possible to use a single account for both sites.

    Does anyone happen to have any information on how I can go about doing that?

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