• Hi,
    I just tested the consent option and the refuse option doesn’t work, it work the same that accepted option when I went to see the cookie storage it show cookies accepted.
    I need the refuse option for the GDPR
    Thank you

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  • pallavi



    I am also facing same issue. I created a test cookie in theme. Even after I say no – I can see cookie that I have created in aresources tab in Chrome browser.

    I think that is because you do not need permission for simple functional cookies.
    Only for non function cookies like Coogle Analytics, remarketing etc.

    We need to add that script into the option:”Block script”
    THat option only appears after checking the “give user the option to not accept third party cookies”

    I tested this and indeedGoogle analytics ( real time visitors ) did not register if clicked on “no” or no action at all. It did register and only then, after I hit the “accept” button.

    I just do not get yet what this means or where we should use that:

    If you’d like to code a functionality depending on the cookie notice value use the function below:

    if ( function_exists('cn_cookies_accepted') && cn_cookies_accepted() ) {
        // Your third-party non functional code here


    Hello @logologics ,

    Thanks for reply. Do you have an idea if what all scripts are blocked? Can you point me to function which does this so that I can check?




    I placed google analytics code in header of theme. When I visit site and view cookies in Resource tab – I can see cookies like _ga, _gat are created still when I have not accepted or rejected. When I hit reject – then also I can see cookies in Resources tab. How this is supposed to work?

    Note : I have not added any script in block script option in admin.

    Hi pallavi,

    All scripts that need to be blocked need to go:

    We need to add that script into the option:”Block script”
    THat option only appears after checking the “give user the option to not accept third party cookies”

    I tested this and indeedGoogle analytics ( real time visitors ) did not register if clicked on “no” or no action at all. It did register and only then, after I hit the “accept” button.

    Make sure you remove these scripts from their original place like:
    header, footer, plugin where you added that script etc.

    For these scripts to be able to get blocked by this plugin, they can ONLY be added in the “block” feature!

    We only need explicite consent for non functional scripts or cookies that actually gather “personal data” like IP address. Functional cookies that do not do that, does not need consent, just need to be added in the Privacy statement.



    Hello @logologics,

    Thanks :). That was useful. I was thinking that plugin will automatically remove the script which creates cookies. I was not aware that we need to do it manually.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by pallavi.

    Glad it was helpfull!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by LogoLogics.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by LogoLogics.


    Firstly, thank you for creating this plugin. Combining ITS functionality with other GDPR preparations, I hope to be GDPR compliant in due course.

    I do have TWO questions though about the plugin surrounding the use of Google Analytics and this post seems to be related…especially with regards to the use of the “block” function and the requirement to remove Google Analytics code from other places including plugins.


    1) I have added the GA tracking code to the plugin as suggested…what does the message “To get the cookie notice status use cn_cookies_accepted() function.” mean? i.e. what action do I have to take if I have entered the GA tracking code?

    Please bear in mind that I am not a developer or are familiar with code.

    2) Once the GA tracking code has been added to your plugin, will it track the user throughout the entire website or only on that page? i.e. can I/should I disable the MonsterInsights Google Analytics plugin?

    Thank you for your time.




    1. I would like to know that too, asked same question on this forum earlier.
    I suspect this is a custom function that would allow the user to see and choose
    between different cookies to accept or refuse them, but I am not sure.

    So now we add all scripts in the blocking feature and it blocks them all.
    With that function I suspect, you can show them all different cookies and let
    them choose between them. But I do not know exactly how to get this to work though.

    2. Yes it would track everywhere and yes you need to disable Monsterinsights, as
    it overwrites the blocking feature and therefore makes it useless.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by LogoLogics.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by LogoLogics.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by LogoLogics.
    Moderator chriscct7


    If you use MonsterInsights we have an integration with Cookie Notice now, available in our EU Compliance add-on that works out of the box with this plugin to only track when tracking is accepted in Cookie Notice. The add-on is available with any of our paid plans and requires no code, it just detects Cookie Notice and works automatically.


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