Here’s where you went wrong.
If you’re real user
Please don’t question the validity of users here. If there’s abuse then it will get caught and dealt with.
This too.
This should be mentioned by moderators too.
No. Seriously, stop that. Your reply to the user and a moderator is being a little too passive aggressive. That’s approaching being inappropriate and let’s head that off now, OK?
The moderators look out for everyone and that includes users and authors.
I’d not call this kind of experience as a “really bad experience”. The solution comes built-in with plugin.
The user left a 1 star review and I’d call that a bad experience.
Users should be more responsible for the words they leave here.
Everyone is encouraged to leave reviews and your comments are discouraging that. If that’s really a problem for you (these reviews) then perhaps you’d like to remove your plugins from the WordPress repo?
You do have that option as you are aware. You do not have to have your plugins hosted on this site. If you do then you’d better be prepared for user feedback like this.
While the user’s last sentence is kind of rude and has been redacted, the rest is fine.
These forums and reviews are not your marketing section. It’s feedback for your plugins and how well or badly you reply is on you.
Your reply isn’t good BTW and users read that too.
We have completely derailed this review.
You didn’t write that but I’m thinking proactively and closing this review. Some advice? In the future if you are concerned about reviews then I suggest you ask yorself “How would my reply look?” and go from there.
Or not, that is entirely up to you how you reply to the users of your free opensource code.